Interface TraversalSource

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Cloneable
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CredentialTraversalSource, CredentialTraversalSourceDsl, GraphTraversalSource

    public interface TraversalSource
    extends Cloneable, AutoCloseable
    A TraversalSource is used to create Traversal instances. A traversal source can generate any number of Traversal instances. A traversal source is primarily composed of a Graph and a TraversalStrategies. Various withXXX-based methods are used to configure the traversal strategies (called "configurations"). Various other methods (dependent on the traversal source type) will then generate a traversal given the graph and configured strategies (called "spawns"). A traversal source is immutable in that fluent chaining of configurations create new traversal sources. This is unlike Traversal and GraphComputer, where chained methods configure the same instance. Every traversal source implementation must maintain two constructors to enable proper reflection-based construction.

    TraversalSource(Graph) and TraversalSource(Graph,TraversalStrategies)

    Marko A. Rodriguez (, Stephen Mallette (
    • Method Detail

      • getGraph

        Graph getGraph()
        Get the Graph associated with this traversal source.
        the graph of the traversal source
      • getGremlinLang

        GremlinLang getGremlinLang()
        Get the GremlinLang associated with the current state of this traversal source.
        the traversal source byte code
      • with

        default TraversalSource with​(String key)
        Provides a configuration to a traversal in the form of a key which is the same as with(key, true). The key of the configuration must be graph provider specific and therefore a configuration could be supplied that is not known to be valid until execution.
        key - the key of the configuration to apply to a traversal
        a new traversal source with the included configuration
      • with

        default TraversalSource with​(String key,
                                     Object value)
        Provides a configuration to a traversal in the form of a key value pair. The key of the configuration must be graph provider specific and therefore a configuration could be supplied that is not known to be valid until execution. This is a handy shortcut for building an OptionsStrategy manually and then add with withStrategies(TraversalStrategy[]).
        key - the key of the configuration to apply to a traversal
        value - the value of the configuration to apply to a traversal
        a new traversal source with the included configuration
      • withStrategies

        default TraversalSource withStrategies​(TraversalStrategy... traversalStrategies)
        Add an arbitrary collection of TraversalStrategy instances to the traversal source.
        traversalStrategies - a collection of traversal strategies to add
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withoutStrategies

        default TraversalSource withoutStrategies​(Class<? extends TraversalStrategy>... traversalStrategyClasses)
        Remove an arbitrary collection of TraversalStrategy classes from the traversal source.
        traversalStrategyClasses - a collection of traversal strategy classes to remove
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withComputer

        default TraversalSource withComputer​(Computer computer)
        Add a Computer that will generate a GraphComputer from the Graph that will be used to execute the traversal. This adds a VertexProgramStrategy to the strategies.
        computer - a builder to generate a graph computer from the graph
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withComputer

        default TraversalSource withComputer()
        Add the standard GraphComputer of the graph that will be used to execute the traversal. This adds a VertexProgramStrategy to the strategies.
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSideEffect

        default <A> TraversalSource withSideEffect​(String key,
                                                   Supplier<A> initialValue,
                                                   BinaryOperator<A> reducer)
        Add a sideEffect to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SideEffectStrategy to the strategies.
        key - the key of the sideEffect
        initialValue - a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
        reducer - a reducer to merge sideEffect mutations into a single result
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSideEffect

        default <A> TraversalSource withSideEffect​(String key,
                                                   A initialValue,
                                                   BinaryOperator<A> reducer)
        Add a sideEffect to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SideEffectStrategy to the strategies.
        key - the key of the sideEffect
        initialValue - the initial value of the sideEffect
        reducer - a reducer to merge sideEffect mutations into a single result
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSideEffect

        default <A> TraversalSource withSideEffect​(String key,
                                                   Supplier<A> initialValue)
        Add a sideEffect to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SideEffectStrategy to the strategies.
        key - the key of the sideEffect
        initialValue - a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSideEffect

        default <A> TraversalSource withSideEffect​(String key,
                                                   A initialValue)
        Add a sideEffect to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SideEffectStrategy to the strategies.
        key - the key of the sideEffect
        initialValue - the initial value of the sideEffect
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSack

        default <A> TraversalSource withSack​(Supplier<A> initialValue,
                                             UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator,
                                             BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator)
        Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SackStrategy to the strategies.
        initialValue - a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
        splitOperator - the sack split operator
        mergeOperator - the sack merge operator
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSack

        default <A> TraversalSource withSack​(A initialValue,
                                             UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator,
                                             BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator)
        Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SackStrategy to the strategies.
        initialValue - the initial value of the sideEffect
        splitOperator - the sack split operator
        mergeOperator - the sack merge operator
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSack

        default <A> TraversalSource withSack​(A initialValue)
        Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SackStrategy to the strategies.
        initialValue - the initial value of the sideEffect
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSack

        default <A> TraversalSource withSack​(Supplier<A> initialValue)
        Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SackStrategy to the strategies.
        initialValue - a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSack

        default <A> TraversalSource withSack​(Supplier<A> initialValue,
                                             UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator)
        Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SackStrategy to the strategies.
        initialValue - a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
        splitOperator - the sack split operator
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSack

        default <A> TraversalSource withSack​(A initialValue,
                                             UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator)
        Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SackStrategy to the strategies.
        initialValue - the initial value of the sideEffect
        splitOperator - the sack split operator
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSack

        default <A> TraversalSource withSack​(Supplier<A> initialValue,
                                             BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator)
        Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SackStrategy to the strategies.
        initialValue - a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
        mergeOperator - the sack merge operator
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • withSack

        default <A> TraversalSource withSack​(A initialValue,
                                             BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator)
        Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned Traversal. This adds a SackStrategy to the strategies.
        initialValue - the initial value of the sideEffect
        mergeOperator - the sack merge operator
        a new traversal source with updated strategies
      • getAnonymousTraversalClass

        default Optional<Class<?>> getAnonymousTraversalClass()
      • clone

        TraversalSource clone()
        The clone-method should be used to create immutable traversal sources with each call to a configuration "withXXX"-method. The clone-method should clone the GremlinLang, TraversalStrategies, mutate the cloned strategies accordingly, and then return the cloned traversal source leaving the original unaltered.
        the cloned traversal source