Interface Traversal.Admin<S,​E>

    • Method Detail

      • getGremlinLang

        GremlinLang getGremlinLang()
        Get the GremlinLang associated with the construction of this traversal.
        the byte code representation of the traversal
      • addStarts

        default void addStarts​(Iterator<Traverser.Admin<S>> starts)
        Add an iterator of Traverser.Admin objects to the head/start of the traversal. Users should typically not need to call this method. For dynamic inject of data, they should use InjectStep.
        starts - an iterators of traversers
      • addStart

        default void addStart​(Traverser.Admin<S> start)
        Add a single Traverser.Admin object to the head of the traversal. Users should typically not need to call this method. For dynamic inject of data, they should use InjectStep.
        start - a traverser to add to the traversal
      • addStep

        <S2,​E2> Traversal.Admin<S2,​E2> addStep​(int index,
                                                           Step<?,​?> step)
                                                    throws IllegalStateException
        Add a Step to an arbitrary point in the traversal.
        Type Parameters:
        S2 - the new start type of the traversal (if the added step was a start step)
        E2 - the new end type of the traversal (if the added step was an end step)
        index - the location in the traversal to insert the step
        step - the step to add
        the newly modulated traversal
        IllegalStateException - if the TraversalStrategies have already been applied
      • removeStep

        default <S2,​E2> Traversal.Admin<S2,​E2> removeStep​(Step<?,​?> step)
                                                               throws IllegalStateException
        Remove a Step from the traversal.
        Type Parameters:
        S2 - the new start type of the traversal (if the removed step was a start step)
        E2 - the new end type of the traversal (if the removed step was an end step)
        step - the step to remove
        the newly modulated traversal
        IllegalStateException - if the TraversalStrategies have already been applied
      • removeStep

        <S2,​E2> Traversal.Admin<S2,​E2> removeStep​(int index)
                                                       throws IllegalStateException
        Remove a Step from the traversal.
        Type Parameters:
        S2 - the new start type of the traversal (if the removed step was a start step)
        E2 - the new end type of the traversal (if the removed step was an end step)
        index - the location in the traversal of the step to be evicted
        the newly modulated traversal
        IllegalStateException - if the TraversalStrategies have already been applied
      • getStartStep

        default Step<S,​?> getStartStep()
        Get the start/head of the traversal. If the traversal is empty, then an EmptyStep instance is returned.
        the start step of the traversal
      • getEndStep

        default Step<?,​E> getEndStep()
        Get the end/tail of the traversal. If the traversal is empty, then an EmptyStep instance is returned.
        the end step of the traversal
      • applyStrategies

        void applyStrategies()
                      throws IllegalStateException
        Apply the registered TraversalStrategies to the traversal. Once the strategies are applied, the traversal is "locked" and can no longer have steps added to it. The order of operations for strategy applications should be: globally id steps, apply each strategy in turn to root traversal, then recursively to nested traversals.
        IllegalStateException - if the TraversalStrategies have already been applied
      • getTraverserGenerator

        TraverserGenerator getTraverserGenerator()
        Get the TraverserGenerator associated with this traversal. The traversal generator creates Traverser instances that are respective of the traversal's TraverserRequirement.
        the generator of traversers
      • getTraverserSetSupplier

        default Supplier<org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.traverser.util.TraverserSet<S>> getTraverserSetSupplier()
        Gets a generator that creates new TraverserSet instances for steps in the traversal. Providers may override this default implementation to provider their own TraverserSet.
      • getTraverserRequirements

        Set<org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.traverser.TraverserRequirement> getTraverserRequirements()
        Get the set of all TraverserRequirements for this traversal.
        the features of a traverser that are required to execute properly in this traversal
      • reset

        default void reset()
        Call the Step.reset() method on every step in the traversal.
      • getSideEffects

        TraversalSideEffects getSideEffects()
        Get the TraversalSideEffects associated with the traversal. This method should not be called externally for purposes of retrieving side-effects as traversal results. Traversal results should only be returned by way of the execution of the traversal itself. Should a side-effect of a traversal be needed it should only be obtained by using GraphTraversal.cap(String, String...) so that the side-effect can be included as part of the traversal iteration. Relying on this method to get side-effects in these situations may not result in consistent behavior across all types of executions and environments (e.g. remoting).
        The traversal sideEffects
      • setStrategies

        void setStrategies​(TraversalStrategies strategies)
        Set the TraversalStrategies to be used by this traversal at evaluation time.
        strategies - the strategies to use on this traversal
      • setParent

        void setParent​(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.TraversalParent step)
        Set the TraversalParent Step that is the parent of this traversal. Traversals can be nested and this is the means by which the traversal tree is connected. If there is no parent, then it should be a EmptyStep.
        step - the traversal holder parent step or EmptyStep if it has no parent
      • getParent

        org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.TraversalParent getParent()
        Get the TraversalParent Step that is the parent of this traversal. Traversals can be nested and this is the means by which the traversal tree is walked.
        the traversal holder parent step or EmptyStep if it has no parent.
      • isRoot

        default boolean isRoot()
        Determines if the traversal is at the root level.
      • clone

        Traversal.Admin<S,​E> clone()
        Cloning is used to duplicate the traversal typically in OLAP environments.
        The cloned traversal
      • isLocked

        boolean isLocked()
        When the traversal has had its TraversalStrategies applied to it, it is locked.
        whether the traversal is locked
      • lock

        void lock()
        Lock the traversal and perform any final adjustments to it after strategy application.
      • setGraph

        void setGraph​(Graph graph)