Class AnonymousTraversalSource<T extends TraversalSource>

  • public class AnonymousTraversalSource<T extends TraversalSource>
    extends Object
    Provides a unified way to construct a TraversalSource from the perspective of the traversal. In this syntax the user is creating the source and binding it to a reference which is either an existing Graph instance or a RemoteConnection.
    Stephen Mallette (
    • Method Detail

      • withRemote

        public T withRemote​(String configFile)
                     throws Exception
        As of release 4.0.0, replaced by with(String)
        Creates a TraversalSource binding a RemoteConnection to a remote Graph instances as its reference so that traversals spawned from it will execute over that reference.
        configFile - a path to a file that would normally be provided to configure a RemoteConnection
      • withRemote

        public T withRemote​(org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration conf)
        As of release 4.0.0, replaced by with(Configuration)
        Creates a TraversalSource binding a RemoteConnection to a remote Graph instances as its reference so that traversals spawned from it will execute over that reference.
        conf - a Configuration object that would normally be provided to configure a RemoteConnection
      • withRemote

        public T withRemote​(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.remote.RemoteConnection remoteConnection)
        As of release 4.0.0, replaced by with(RemoteConnection)
        Creates a TraversalSource binding a RemoteConnection to a remote Graph instances as its reference so that traversals spawned from it will execute over that reference.
      • withEmbedded

        public T withEmbedded​(Graph graph)
        As of release 4.0.0, replaced by with(Graph)
        Creates the specified TraversalSource binding an embedded Graph as its reference such that traversals spawned from it will execute over that reference.
      • with

        public T with​(Graph graph)
        Creates the specified TraversalSource binding an embedded Graph as its reference such that traversals spawned from it will execute over that reference.
      • with

        public T with​(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.remote.RemoteConnection remoteConnection)
        Creates a TraversalSource binding a RemoteConnection to a remote Graph instances as its reference so that traversals spawned from it will execute over that reference.
      • with

        public T with​(String configFile)
               throws Exception
        Creates a TraversalSource from a configuration file which may either be for a Graph instance or for a RemoteConnection.
        configFile - a path to a configuration file
      • with

        public T with​(org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration conf)
        Creates a TraversalSource from a configuration object which may either be for a Graph instance or for a RemoteConnection.
        conf - a Configuration object that would normally be provided to configure a RemoteConnection