Class Settings

  • public final class Settings
    extends Object
    Settings for the Cluster and its related components.
    Stephen Mallette (
    • Field Detail

      • port

        public int port
        The port of the Gremlin Server to connect to which defaults to 8182. The same port will be applied for all hosts.
      • path

        public String path
        The path to the Gremlin service which is defaulted to "/gremlin".
      • hosts

        public List<String> hosts
        The list of hosts that the driver will connect to.
      • serializer

        public Settings.SerializerSettings serializer
        The serializer that will be used when communicating with the server. Note that serializer settings should match what is available on the server.
      • connectionPool

        public org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.Settings.ConnectionPoolSettings connectionPool
        Settings for connections and connection pool.
      • nioPoolSize

        public int nioPoolSize
        The size of the thread pool defaulted to the number of available processors.
      • workerPoolSize

        public int workerPoolSize
        The number of worker threads defaulted to the number of available processors * 2.
      • enableUserAgentOnConnect

        public boolean enableUserAgentOnConnect
        Toggles if user agent should be sent in web socket handshakes.
      • bulkResults

        public boolean bulkResults
        Toggles if result from server is bulked. Default is false.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Settings

        public Settings()
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public static Settings read​(InputStream stream)
        Read configuration from a file into a new Settings object.
        stream - an input stream containing a Gremlin Server YAML configuration
      • from

        public static Settings from​(org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration conf)
        Read configuration from a file into a new Settings object.