Class B_LP_NL_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T>

    • Field Detail

      • loopNames

        protected loopNames
    • Constructor Detail

      • B_LP_NL_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser

        protected B_LP_NL_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser()
      • B_LP_NL_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser

        public B_LP_NL_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser​(T t,
                                             Step<T,​?> step,
                                             long initialBulk)
    • Method Detail

      • loops

        public int loops()
        Description copied from interface: Traverser
        Return the number of times the traverser has gone through a looping section of a traversal.
        Specified by:
        loops in interface Traverser<T>
        loops in class B_O_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T>
        The number of times the traverser has gone through a loop
      • loops

        public int loops​(String loopName)
        Description copied from interface: Traverser
        Return the number of times the traverser has gone through the named looping section of a traversal.
        Specified by:
        loops in interface Traverser<T>
        loops in class B_O_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T>
        loopName - the name applied to the loop or null for the containing loop
        The number of times the traverser has gone through a loop
      • initialiseLoops

        public void initialiseLoops​(String stepLabel,
                                    String loopName)
        Description copied from interface: Traverser.Admin
        Initialise a loop by setting up the looping construct. The step label is important to create a stack of loop counters when within a nested context. If the provided label is not the same as the current label on the stack, add a new loop counter. The loopName can be used to refer to the loops counter via the LoopsStep
        Specified by:
        initialiseLoops in interface Traverser.Admin<T>
        initialiseLoops in class B_O_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T>
        stepLabel - the label of the step that is being set-up.
        loopName - the user defined name for referencing the loop counter or null if not set
      • resetLoops

        public void resetLoops()
        Description copied from interface: Traverser.Admin
        Set the number of times the traverser has gone through a loop back to 0. When a traverser exits a looping construct, this method should be called. In a nested loop context, the highest stack loop counter should be removed.
        Specified by:
        resetLoops in interface Traverser.Admin<T>
        resetLoops in class B_O_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T>
      • split

        public <R> Traverser.Admin<R> split​(R r,
                                            Step<T,​R> step)
        Description copied from interface: Traverser.Admin
        Generate a child traverser of the current traverser for current as step and new object location. The child has the path history, future, and loop information of the parent. The child extends that path history with the current as and provided R-object.
        Specified by:
        split in interface Traverser.Admin<T>
        split in class B_LP_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T>
        Type Parameters:
        R - The current object type of the child
        r - The current object of the child
        step - The step yielding the split
        The split traverser
      • merge

        public void merge​(Traverser.Admin<?> other)
        Description copied from interface: Traverser.Admin
        When two traversers are have equality with each other, then they can be merged. This method is used to merge the traversers into a single traverser. This is used for optimization where instead of enumerating all traversers, they can be counted.
        Specified by:
        merge in interface Traverser.Admin<T>
        merge in class B_O_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T>
        other - the other traverser to merge into this traverser. Once merged, the other can be garbage collected.