All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbortiveMultiIterator<T> |
An Iterator that checks a Predicate prior to processing the specified child Iterator
AbstractAuthenticationHandler |
Provides an abstraction point to allow for http auth schemes beyond basic auth.
AbstractChannelizer |
A base implementation for the Channelizer which does a basic configuration of the pipeline, one that
is generally common to virtually any Gremlin Server operation (i.e.
AbstractClient |
AbstractEvalOpProcessor |
A base OpProcessor implementation that helps with operations that deal with script evaluation functions.
AbstractEvalOpProcessor.BindingSupplier |
AbstractExplanation |
AbstractFileGraphProvider |
A base GraphProvider that is typically for use with Hadoop-based graphs as it enables access to the various
resource data files that are used in the tests.
AbstractGenerator |
Base class for all synthetic network generators.
AbstractGenerator.AbstractGeneratorBuilder<T extends AbstractGenerator.AbstractGeneratorBuilder> |
AbstractGeneratorTest |
AbstractGraphProvider |
A basic GraphProvider which simply requires the implementer to supply their base configuration for their
Graph instance.
AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV1d0 |
AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV1d0.GremlinServerModule |
AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV1d0.ResponseMessageSerializer |
AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0 |
AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0.GremlinServerModule |
AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0.RequestMessageDeserializer |
AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0.RequestMessageSerializer |
AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0.ResponseMessageDeserializer |
AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0.ResponseMessageSerializer |
AbstractGraphSONTypeSerializer |
Extension of the Jackson's default TypeSerializer.
AbstractGremlinPlugin |
AbstractGremlinProcessTest |
Base test class for Gremlin Process tests.
AbstractGremlinScriptEngineFactory |
AbstractGremlinSuite |
Base Gremlin test suite from which different classes of tests can be exposed to implementers.
AbstractGremlinSuite.OptOutTestFilter |
Filter for tests in the suite which is controlled by the Graph.OptOut annotation.
AbstractGremlinTest |
Sets up g based on the current graph configuration and checks required features for the test.
AbstractGryoClassResolver |
This mapper implementation of the ClassResolver helps ensure that all Vertex and Edge concrete classes
get properly serialized and deserialized by stripping them of their concrete class name so that they are treated
AbstractGuiceFactory |
Base class for implementing a custom ObjectFactory for cucumber tests and is based on the basic
GuiceFactory implementation which can't be extended.
AbstractIoRegistry |
Base implementation of the IoRegistry interface that provides implementation of the methods using a
a HashMap .
AbstractLambdaTraversal<S,E> |
AbstractMessageSerializer<M> |
AbstractObjectDeserializer<T> |
Base class for creating deserializers which parses JSON to a Map to more easily reconstruct an object.
AbstractOpProcessor |
A base OpProcessor implementation that processes an Iterator of results in a generalized way while
ensuring that graph transactions are properly managed.
AbstractRemoteTraversal<S,E> |
AbstractRemoteTraverser<T> |
AbstractSandboxExtension |
AbstractSession |
A base implementation of Session which offers some common functionality that matches typical Gremlin Server
request response expectations for script, bytecode and graph operations.
AbstractSession.CloseReason |
The reason that a particular session closed.
AbstractStep<S,E> |
AbstractThreadedTransaction |
A base implementation of Transaction that provides core functionality for transaction listeners using a
shared set of transaction listeners.
AbstractThreadLocalTransaction |
A base implementation of Transaction that provides core functionality for transaction listeners using
ThreadLocal .
AbstractTransaction |
A simple base class for Transaction that provides some common functionality and default behavior.
AbstractTraversalStrategy<S extends TraversalStrategy> |
AbstractTraverser<T> |
AbstractVertexProgramBuilder<B extends VertexProgram.Builder> |
AbstractWarningVerificationStrategy |
AbstractWarningVerificationStrategy.Builder<T extends AbstractWarningVerificationStrategy,B extends AbstractWarningVerificationStrategy.Builder> |
AddEdgeStartStep |
AddEdgeStep<S> |
AddEdgeTest |
AddEdgeTest.Traversals |
AddPropertyStep<S extends Element> |
AddVertexStartStep |
AddVertexStep<S> |
AddVertexTest |
AddVertexTest.Traversals |
AdjacentToIncidentStrategy |
This strategy looks for vertex- and value-emitting steps followed by a CountGlobalStep and replaces the
pattern with an edge- or property-emitting step followed by a CountGlobalStep .
AggregateGlobalStep<S> |
AggregateLocalStep<S> |
AggregateTest |
AggregateTest.Traversals |
AllowAllAuthenticator |
Allows all requests to be authenticated.
AmbiguousMethodASTTransformation |
AndP<V> |
AndStep<S> |
AndTest |
AndTest.Traversals |
AnonymizingTypeTranslator |
This Translator will translate Bytecode into a representation that has been stripped of any user data
AnonymizingTypeTranslator.Anonymizer |
Customizable anonymizer interface.
AnonymizingTypeTranslator.DefaultAnonymizer |
This default implementation keeps a map from type (Java Class) to another map from instances to anonymized
AnonymousTraversalSource<T extends TraversalSource> |
Provides a unified way to construct a TraversalSource from the perspective of the traversal.
ArrayIterator<T> |
ArrayListSupplier<A> |
Artifact |
A software artifact identified by its maven coordinates.
Attachable<V> |
An interface that provides methods for detached properties and elements to be re-attached to the Graph .
Attachable.Exceptions |
Attachable.Method |
A collection of general methods of attachment.
AuthenticatedUser |
AuthenticationException |
An exception that occurs when during authentication such as a failed login.
Authenticator |
Provides methods related to authentication of a request.
Authenticator.SaslNegotiator |
Performs the actual SASL negotiation for a single authentication attempt.
AuthorizationException |
An exception that occurs during authorization, i.e.
Authorizer |
Provides the interface for authorizing a user per request.
AuthProperties |
Properties to supply to the Cluster for authentication purposes.
AuthProperties.Property |
An enum of the available authorization properties.
B_LP_NL_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
B_LP_NL_O_P_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
B_LP_NL_O_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
B_LP_NL_O_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
B_LP_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
B_LP_O_P_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
B_LP_O_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
B_LP_O_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
B_NL_O_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
B_NL_O_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
B_O_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
B_O_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
B_O_Traverser<T> |
B_O_TraverserGenerator |
Barrier<B> |
A Barrier is any step that requires all left traversers to be processed prior to emitting result traversers to the right.
BigDecimalSerializer |
BigIntegerSerializer |
BinaryReductionStep |
Any FilterStep marked as a BinaryReductionStep will catch GremlinTypeErrorException s produced by
boolean value expressions (predicates) contained within the filter and treat them as FALSE, thus filtering out
the solution.
Bindings |
Bindings are used to associate a variable with a value.
BindingsCustomizer |
BindingSerializer |
BindingsGremlinPlugin |
BindingsGremlinPlugin.Builder |
BindingsScriptEngineTest |
BranchStep<S,E,M> |
BranchTest |
BranchTest.Traversals |
Buffer |
Represents an abstract view for one or more primitive byte arrays and NIO buffers.
BufferFactory<T> |
BulkSet<S> |
BulkSet is a weighted set (i.e.
BulkSetSerializer |
BulkSetSupplier<A> |
ByModulating |
ByModulatorOptimizationStrategy |
This strategy looks for standard traversals in by-modulators and replaces them with more optimized traversals
Bypassing |
A ByPassing step can be stated (at runtime) to simply enact the identity function.
ByteBufferSerializer |
Bytecode |
When a TraversalSource is manipulated and then a Traversal is spawned and mutated, a language
agnostic representation of those mutations is recorded in a bytecode instance.
Bytecode.Binding<V> |
Bytecode.Instruction |
BytecodeHelper |
ByteCodeSerializer |
CachedGremlinScriptEngineManager |
CachedGremlinScriptEngineManagerTest |
CallbackRegistry<E extends Event> |
CallStep<S,E> |
ChainedComparator<S,C extends Comparable> |
Channelizer |
Client-side channel initializer interface.
Channelizer |
An interface that makes it possible to plugin different Netty pipelines to Gremlin Server, enabling the use of
different protocols, mapper security and other such functions.
Channelizer.AbstractChannelizer |
Channelizer.WebSocketChannelizer |
CharSerializer |
CheckedGraphManager |
A GraphManager that will prevent Gremlin Server from starting if all configured graphs fail.
ChooseStep<S,E,M> |
A step which offers a choice of two or more Traversals to take.
ChooseTest |
ChooseTest.Traversals |
ClassFilterStep<S,T> |
ClassSerializer |
Client |
A Client is constructed from a Cluster and represents a way to send messages to Gremlin Server.
Client.AliasClusteredClient |
Client.ClusteredClient |
A Client implementation that does not operate in a session.
Client.SessionedClient |
A Client implementation that operates in the context of a session.
Client.SessionSettings |
Settings for a Client that involve a session.
Client.SessionSettings.Builder |
Client.Settings |
Client.Settings.Builder |
CloneVertexProgram |
CloneVertexProgram.Builder |
CloneVertexProgramTest |
CloseableIterator<T> |
An extension of Iterator that implements Closeable which allows a Graph implementation
that hold open resources to provide the user the option to release those resources.
CloseableIterator.EmptyCloseableIterator<T> |
Cluster |
A connection to a set of one or more Gremlin Server instances.
Cluster.Builder |
ClusterCountMapReduce |
ClusterCountMapReduce.Builder |
ClusterPopulationMapReduce |
ClusterPopulationMapReduce.Builder |
CoalesceStep<S,E> |
CoalesceTest |
CoalesceTest.Traversals |
CoinStep<S> |
CoinTest |
CoinTest.Traversals |
CollectingBarrierStep<S> |
CollectionFactory |
Column |
Column references a particular type of column in a complex data structure such as a Map , a
Map.Entry , or a Path .
ColumnTraversal |
CommunityGenerator |
Generates a synthetic network with a community structure, that is, several densely connected
sub-networks that are loosely connected with one another.
CommunityGenerator.Builder |
CommunityGeneratorTest |
CommunityGeneratorTest.DifferentDistributionsTest |
CommunityGeneratorTest.ProcessorTest |
ComparatorHolder<S,C extends Comparable> |
Comparators |
A collection of commonly used Comparator instances.
Compare |
Compare is a BiPredicate that determines whether the first argument is == , != ,
> , >= , < , <= to the second argument.
ComplexTest |
ComplexTest.Traversals |
Computer |
ComputerAwareStep<S,E> |
ComputerAwareStep.EndStep<S> |
ComputerFinalizationStrategy |
ComputerGraph |
ComputerResult |
ComputerResultStep<S> |
ComputerVerificationStrategy |
ConcurrentBindings |
A Bindings that can be accessed concurrently by multiple threads.
ConfigurationEvaluator |
An internal application used to test out ranges of configuration parameters for Gremlin Driver.
Configuring |
ConnectedComponent |
ConnectedComponentTest |
ConnectedComponentTest.Traversals |
ConnectedComponentVertexProgram |
Identifies "Connected Component" instances in a graph by assigning a component identifier (the lexicographically
least string value of the vertex in the component) to each vertex.
ConnectedComponentVertexProgram.Builder |
ConnectedComponentVertexProgramStep |
ConnectionException |
This exception signifies network connection failure.
ConnectiveP<V> |
ConnectiveStep<S> |
ConnectiveStep.Connective |
ConnectiveStrategy |
ConnectiveStrategy rewrites the binary conjunction form of a.and().b into a AndStep of
and(a,b) (likewise for OrStep ).
ConsoleCustomizer |
ConsoleMutationListener |
An example listener that writes a message to the console for each event that fires from the graph.
ConstantStep<S,E> |
ConstantSupplier<A> |
ConstantTest |
ConstantTest.Traversals |
ConstantTraversal<S,E> |
A Traversal that always returns a constant value.
Contains |
Contains is a BiPredicate that evaluates whether the first object is contained within (or not
within) the second collection object.
Context |
The context of Gremlin Server within which a particular request is made.
Context.RequestContentType |
CopyDistribution |
CopyDistribution returns the conditional value.
CoreGremlinPlugin |
This module is required for a ScriptEngine to be Gremlin-enabled.
CoreImports |
CoreTraversalTest |
CountGlobalStep<S> |
CountLocalStep<S> |
CountStrategy |
CountTest |
CountTest.Traversals |
CredentialGraphGremlinPlugin |
Plugin for the Credentials DSL that helps maintain a list of users and passwords in a graph for use with Gremlin
Server authentication.
CredentialGraphTokens |
CredentialTraversal<S,E> |
CredentialTraversalDsl<S,E> |
A DSL for managing a "credentials graph" used by Gremlin Server for simple authentication functions.
CredentialTraversalSource |
CredentialTraversalSourceDsl |
CustomId |
A mock identifier for use in ensuring that custom serializers work around element identifiers.
CustomId.CustomIdIoRegistry |
CustomId.CustomIdJacksonDeserializerV2d0 |
CustomId.CustomIdJacksonDeserializerV3d0 |
CustomId.CustomIdJacksonSerializerV1d0 |
CustomId.CustomIdJacksonSerializerV2d0 |
CustomId.CustomIdJacksonSerializerV3d0 |
CustomId.CustomIdTinkerPopJacksonModuleV2d0 |
CustomId.CustomIdTinkerPopJacksonModuleV3d0 |
Customizer |
CustomTypeSerializer<T> |
Represents a serializer for a custom (provider specific) serializer.
CyclicPathTest |
CyclicPathTest.Traversals |
DataType |
Represents a GraphBinary data type.
DateSerializer<T extends Date> |
DatetimeHelper |
Utility class for parsing and formatting dates/times.
DedupGlobalStep<S> |
DedupLocalStep<E,S extends Iterable<E>> |
DedupTest |
DedupTest.Traversals |
DefaultBindingsCustomizer |
Default implementation of the BindingsCustomizer which adds bindings to the ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE .
DefaultCloseableIterator<T> |
A default implementation of CloseableIterator that simply wraps an existing Iterator .
DefaultComputerResult |
DefaultCredentialTraversal<S,E> |
DefaultGraphManager |
Holder for Graph and TraversalSource instances configured for the server to be passed to script
engine bindings.
DefaultGraphTraversal<S,E> |
DefaultGremlinBaseVisitor<T> |
This class provides implementation of GremlinVisitor , where each method will throw
UnsupportedOperationException .
DefaultGremlinScriptEngineManager |
The ScriptEngineManager implements a discovery, instantiation and configuration mechanism for
GremlinScriptEngine classes and also maintains a collection of key/value pairs storing state shared by all
engines created by it.
DefaultImportCustomizer |
Simple implementation of the ImportCustomizer which allows direct setting of all the different import types.
DefaultImportCustomizer.Builder |
DefaultRemoteTraverser<T> |
DefaultScriptCustomizer |
Default implementation of the ScriptCustomizer that can create the script list from a list of files or
from lines of script.
DefaultTemporaryException |
This is a default TemporaryException implementation that server implementers could use if they wished
to indicate retry operations to the client.
DefaultTraversal<S,E> |
DefaultTraversalMetrics |
DefaultTraversalMetricsSupplier |
DefaultTraversalSideEffects |
DefaultTraversalStrategies |
DefaultTraverserGeneratorFactory |
DependencyGrabber |
DetachedEdge |
Represents an Edge that is disconnected from a Graph .
DetachedEdge.Builder |
DetachedEdgeTest |
DetachedElement<E> |
DetachedFactory |
DetachedGraphTest |
DetachedPath |
DetachedProperty<V> |
DetachedPropertyTest |
DetachedVertex |
DetachedVertex.Builder |
DetachedVertexProperty<V> |
DetachedVertexProperty.Builder |
DetachedVertexPropertyTest |
DetachedVertexTest |
Direction |
DirectionalStarGraph |
Distribution |
Interface for a distribution over discrete values.
DistributionGenerator |
Generates a synthetic network for a given out- and (optionally) in-degree distribution.
DistributionGenerator.Builder |
DistributionGeneratorTest |
DistributionGeneratorTest.DifferentDistributionsTest |
DistributionGeneratorTest.ProcessorTest |
DotNetTranslator |
Converts bytecode to a C# string of Gremlin.
DotNetTranslator.DefaultTypeTranslator |
Performs standard type translation for the TinkerPop types to C#.
DriverRemoteConnection |
DriverRemoteTransaction |
A remote Transaction implementation that is implemented with the Java driver.
DriverRemoteTraversal<S,E> |
DropStep<S> |
DropTest |
DropTest.Traversals |
DummyTraverser<T> |
Similar to the EmptyTraverser, except the DummyTraverser can split.
DurationSerializer |
EarlyLimitStrategy |
This strategy looks for RangeGlobalStep s that can be moved further left in the traversal and thus be applied
EarlyLimitStrategyProcessTest |
Edge |
Edge.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with an edge.
EdgeLabelVerificationStrategy |
EdgeLabelVerificationStrategy does not allow edge traversal steps to have no label specified.
EdgeLabelVerificationStrategy.Builder |
EdgeOtherVertexStep |
EdgeSerializer |
EdgeTest |
EdgeTest.BasicEdgeTest |
EdgeVertexStep |
Element |
Element.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with an element.
ElementFunctionComparator<V> |
ElementHelper |
Utility class supporting common functions for Element .
ElementIdStrategy |
Provides a degree of control over element identifier assignment as some graphs don't provide that feature.
ElementIdStrategy.Builder |
ElementIdStrategyProcessTest |
ElementMapStep<K,E> |
ElementMapTest |
ElementMapTest.Traversals |
ElementStep<P extends Property,E extends Element> |
Traverse from a Property to its Element.
ElementValueComparator<V> |
EmbeddedRemoteConnection |
Allows a RemoteConnection to be submitted to a "local" Graph instance thus simulating a connection
to a remote source.
EmbeddedRemoteTraversal<S,E> |
EmptyGraph |
EmptyGraph.EmptyGraphFactory |
EmptyGraph doesn't have a standard open() method because it is a singleton.
EmptyGraph.EmptyGraphFeatures |
Features defined such that they support immutability but allow all other possibilities.
EmptyIterator<S> |
EmptyMemory |
EmptyPath |
EmptyProperty<V> |
EmptyStep<S,E> |
EmptyTraversal<S,E> |
EmptyTraversalSideEffects |
EmptyTraversalStrategies |
EmptyTraverser<T> |
A Traverser with no bulk which effectively means that it will no longer be propagated through a
Traversal .
EmptyVertexProperty<V> |
EnumSerializer<E extends Enum> |
Generalized serializer for {#code Enum} value types.
Event |
A representation of some action that occurs on a Graph for a Traversal .
Event.EdgeAddedEvent |
Represents an action where an Edge is added to the Graph .
Event.EdgePropertyChangedEvent |
Represents an action where an Edge Property is added/modified.
Event.EdgePropertyRemovedEvent |
Event.EdgeRemovedEvent |
Represents an action where an Edge is removed from the Graph .
Event.ElementPropertyChangedEvent |
A base class for Property mutation events.
Event.ElementPropertyEvent |
A base class for Property mutation events.
Event.VertexAddedEvent |
Represents an action where a Vertex is added to the Graph .
Event.VertexPropertyChangedEvent |
Event.VertexPropertyPropertyChangedEvent |
Event.VertexPropertyPropertyRemovedEvent |
Event.VertexPropertyRemovedEvent |
Event.VertexRemovedEvent |
Represents an action where a Vertex is removed from the Graph .
EventCallback<E extends Event> |
A Consumer function definition for consuming Event objects raised from Step objects at
the time of execution.
EventStrategy |
A strategy that raises events when Mutating steps are encountered and successfully executed.
EventStrategy.Builder |
EventStrategy.DefaultEventQueue |
Immediately notifies all listeners as events arrive.
EventStrategy.Detacher |
A common interface for detachment.
EventStrategy.Detachment |
Options for detaching elements from the graph during eventing.
EventStrategy.EventQueue |
Gathers messages from callbacks and fires them to listeners.
EventStrategy.TransactionalEventQueue |
Stores events in a queue that builds up until the transaction is committed which then fires them in the order
they were received.
EventStrategyProcessTest |
ExceptionCoverage |
Defines the list of standard exceptions covered by a test set.
ExceptionCoverageSet |
ExceptionHelper |
ExceptionHelper |
Utility class with helpful functions for exceptions.
ExpandableStepIterator<S> |
ExplainTest |
ExplainTest.Traversals |
FailStep<S> |
Triggers an immediate failure of the traversal by throwing a RuntimeException .
FailStep.FailException |
Failure |
FastNoSuchElementException |
Retrieve a singleton, fast NoSuchElementException without a stack trace.
FeatureDescriptor |
A annotation for feature methods.
FeatureRequirement |
A FeatureRequirement annotation defines a feature to check for a test in the Gremlin Test Suite.
FeatureRequirement.Factory |
FeatureRequirements |
FeatureRequirementSet |
Logically grouped features used to simplify test annotations.
FeatureRequirementSet.Package |
FeatureSupportTest |
Tests that do basic validation of proper Feature settings in Graph implementations.
FeatureSupportTest.EdgeFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that test Edge functionality to determine if a feature
should be on when it is marked as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.ElementPropertyDataTypeFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that test Element Property functionality to determine if a feature should be on
when it is marked as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.FeatureToStringTest |
FeatureSupportTest.GraphFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that test Graph functionality to determine if a feature should be on when it is marked
as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.GraphVariablesFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that tests if Graph.Variables
functionality to determine if a feature should be on when it is marked as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.LogicalFeatureSupportTest |
Feature checks that simply evaluate conflicting feature definitions without evaluating the actual implementation
FeatureSupportTest.VertexFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that test Vertex functionality to determine if a feature
should be on when it is marked as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.VertexPropertyFunctionalityTest |
FileSandboxExtension |
FileSandboxExtension.Settings |
FilterRankingStrategy |
FilterRankingStrategy reorders filter- and order-steps according to their rank.
FilterStep<S> |
FilterTest |
FilterTest.Traversals |
FlatMapStep<S,E> |
FlatMapTest |
FlatMapTest.Traversals |
FoldStep<S,E> |
FoldStep.FoldBiOperator<E> |
FoldTest |
FoldTest.Traversals |
Frame |
A holder for a String or ByteBuf that represents a message to be written back to the requesting
FromToModulating |
FromToModulating are for Step s that support from()- and to()-modulation.
FunctionComparator<A,B> |
FunctionTraverser<A,B> |
FunctionUtils |
Generating<S,E> |
A Generating step is one that has a side-effect that needs post-processing prior to being returned.
Generator |
Interface for Graph generators.
GenericLiteralVisitor |
Visitor class to handle generic literal.
GolangTranslator |
Translates Gremlin Bytecode into a Golang string representation.
GolangTranslator.DefaultTypeTranslator |
Performs standard type translation for the TinkerPop types to Go.
Graph |
Graph.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a graph.
Graph.Features |
An interface that represents the capabilities of a Graph implementation.
Graph.Features.DataTypeFeatures |
Base interface for features that relate to supporting different data types.
Graph.Features.EdgeFeatures |
Features that are related to Edge operations.
Graph.Features.EdgePropertyFeatures |
Graph.Features.ElementFeatures |
Features that are related to Element objects.
Graph.Features.FeatureSet |
A marker interface to identify any set of Features.
Graph.Features.GraphFeatures |
Features specific to a operations of a "graph".
Graph.Features.PropertyFeatures |
Graph.Features.VariableFeatures |
Graph.Features.VertexFeatures |
Features that are related to Vertex operations.
Graph.Features.VertexPropertyFeatures |
Graph.Hidden |
This should only be used by providers to create keys, labels, etc.
Graph.OptIn |
Defines the test suite that the implementer has decided to support and represents publicly as "passing".
Graph.OptIns |
Graph.OptOut |
Defines a test in the suite that the implementer does not want to run.
Graph.OptOuts |
Graph.Variables |
Graph variables are a set of key/value pairs associated with the graph.
Graph.Variables.Exceptions |
GraphBinaryIo |
This is a dummy implementation of Io which is only used in the context of helping to configure a
GraphBinary MessageSerializer with an IoRegistry .
GraphBinaryMapper |
GraphBinaryMessageSerializerV1 |
GraphBinaryReader |
GraphBinaryWriter |
GraphComputer |
GraphComputer.Exceptions |
GraphComputer.Features |
GraphComputer.Persist |
GraphComputer.ResultGraph |
GraphComputerHelper |
GraphComputerTest |
GraphComputerTest.BadGraphComputer |
GraphComputerTest.MapReduceB |
GraphComputerTest.MapReduceBB |
GraphComputerTest.MapReduceC |
GraphComputerTest.MapReduceK |
GraphComputerTest.MultiScopeVertexProgram |
GraphComputerTest.MultiScopeVertexWithEdgeFunctionProgram |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramA |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramB |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramC |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramD |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramE |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramF |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramG |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramH |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramI |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramJ |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramK |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramL |
GraphComputerTest.VertexProgramM |
GraphComputing |
A GraphComputing step is one that will change its behavior whether its on a GraphComputer or not.
GraphConstructionTest |
GraphFactory |
Factory to construct new Graph instances from a Configuration object or properties file.
GraphFactoryClass |
A graph vendor may use this annotation to specify the factory class that GraphFactory should use to
open a new graph.
GraphFilter |
GraphFilter is used by GraphComputer implementations to prune the source graph data being loaded into the OLAP system.
GraphFilter.Legal |
A enum denoting whether a particular result will be allowed or not.
GraphFilterStrategy |
GraphHelper |
Utility class supporting common functions for Graph .
GraphManager |
Holds objects specified by the test suites supplying them in a static manner to the test cases.
GraphManager |
The GraphManager interface allows for reference tracking of Graph references through
a Map<String, Graph> ; the interface plugs into the lifeline of gremlin script
executions, meaning that commit() and rollback() will be called on all graphs stored in the
graph reference tracker at the end of the script executions; you may want to implement
this interface if you want to define a custom graph instantiation/closing mechanism; note that
the interface also defines similar features for TraversalSource objects.
GraphManager.ManagedGraphProvider |
This class provides a way to intercepts calls to Graph implementation's GraphProvider instances.
GraphMigrator |
GraphMigrator takes the data in one graph and pipes it to another graph.
GraphMLIo |
GraphMLIo.Builder |
GraphMLMapper |
This is an "empty" implementation only present for compatibility with Io .
GraphMLMapper.Builder |
GraphMLReader |
GraphMLReader writes the data from a GraphML stream to a graph.
GraphMLReader.Builder |
Allows configuration and construction of the GraphMLReader instance.
GraphMLResourceAccess |
Provides path access to test data resources.
GraphMLWriter |
GraphMLWriter writes a Graph to a GraphML OutputStream.
GraphMLWriter.Builder |
GraphOp |
A GraphOp or "graph operation" is a static Bytecode form that does not translate to a traversal
but instead refers to a specific function to perform on a graph instance.
GraphProvider |
Those developing Gremlin implementations must provide a GraphProvider implementation so that the
different test suites know how to instantiate their implementations.
GraphProvider.Descriptor |
An annotation to be applied to a GraphProvider implementation that provides additional information
about its intentions.
GraphProvider.TestListener |
GraphProviderClass |
The GraphProvider instance that will be used to generate a Graph instance.
GraphReader |
Functions for reading a graph and its graph elements from a different serialization format.
GraphReader.ReaderBuilder<T extends GraphReader> |
Largely a marker interface for builder classes that construct a GraphReader .
GraphSerializer |
GraphSONIo |
GraphSONIo.Builder |
GraphSONMapper |
An extension to the standard Jackson ObjectMapper which automatically registers the standard
GraphSONModule for serializing Graph elements.
GraphSONMapper.Builder |
GraphSONMessageSerializerGremlinV1d0 |
Serialize results to JSON with version 1.0.x schema.
GraphSONMessageSerializerGremlinV2d0 |
GraphSONMessageSerializerV1d0 |
Serialize results to JSON with version 1.0.x schema.
GraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0 |
Serialize results to JSON with version 2.0.x schema and the extended module.
GraphSONMessageSerializerV3d0 |
Serialize results to JSON with version 3.0.x schema and the extended module.
GraphSONReader |
A @{link GraphReader} that constructs a graph from a JSON-based representation of a graph and its elements.
GraphSONReader.Builder |
GraphSONResourceAccess |
Provides path access to test data resources.
GraphSONTokens |
GraphSONTypeDeserializer |
Contains main logic for the whole JSON to Java deserialization.
GraphSONTypeIdResolver |
Provides quick lookup for Type deserialization extracted from the JSON payload.
GraphSONTypeResolverBuilder |
Creates the Type serializers as well as the Typed deserializers that will be provided to the serializers and
GraphSONTypeSerializerV2d0 |
GraphSON 2.0 TypeSerializer .
GraphSONTypeSerializerV3d0 |
GraphSON 2.0 TypeSerializer .
GraphSONUtil |
Utility methods for GraphSON serialization.
GraphSONVersion |
The set of available GraphSON versions.
GraphSONWriter |
A @{link GraphWriter} that writes a graph and its elements to a JSON-based representation.
GraphSONWriter.Builder |
GraphSONXModuleV2d0 |
Version 2.0 of GraphSON extensions.
GraphSONXModuleV2d0.Builder |
GraphSONXModuleV3d0 |
Version 3.0 of GraphSON extensions.
GraphSONXModuleV3d0.Builder |
GraphStep<S,E extends Element> |
GraphTest |
GraphTest |
GraphTest.Traversals |
GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.Admin<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.Symbols |
GraphTraversalSource |
A GraphTraversalSource is the primary DSL of the Gremlin traversal machine.
GraphTraversalSource.Symbols |
GraphTraversalSourceVisitor |
GraphVariableHelper |
GraphWriter |
Functions for writing a graph and its elements to a serialized format.
GraphWriter.WriterBuilder<T extends GraphWriter> |
Largely a marker interface for builder classes that construct a GraphWriter .
Gremlin |
GremlinAntlrToJava |
This is the entry point for converting the Gremlin Antlr grammar into Java.
GremlinASTChecker |
GremlinASTChecker.Result |
GremlinASTChecker.TimeoutCheck |
GremlinBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of GremlinListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
GremlinBaseVisitor<T> |
This class provides an empty implementation of GremlinVisitor ,
which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
GremlinDsl |
An annotation that specifies that an interface is meant to be used to produce Gremlin DSL.
GremlinDsl.AnonymousMethod |
Annotation that allows the user to directly override the type parameters on generated anonymous methods.
GremlinDslProcessor |
A custom Java annotation processor for the GremlinDsl annotation that helps to generate DSLs classes.
GremlinEnabledScriptEngineTest |
This is an important test case in that it validates that core features of ScriptEngine instances that claim
to be "Gremlin-enabled" work in the expected fashion.
GremlinErrorListener |
GremlinExecutor |
Execute Gremlin scripts against a ScriptEngine instance.
GremlinExecutor.Builder |
GremlinExecutor.LifeCycle |
GremlinExecutor.LifeCycle.Builder |
GremlinGroovyScriptEngine |
Provides methods to compile and evaluate Gremlin scripts.
GremlinGroovyScriptEngineFactory |
GremlinLangScriptEngine |
GremlinLangScriptEngineFactory |
GremlinLexer |
GremlinListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
GremlinParser .
GremlinLoader |
GremlinParser |
GremlinParser.BooleanLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.ChainedParentOfGraphTraversalContext |
GremlinParser.ChainedTraversalContext |
GremlinParser.ConnectedComponentConstantsContext |
GremlinParser.ConnectedComponentStringConstantContext |
GremlinParser.DateLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.EmptyQueryContext |
GremlinParser.FloatLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.GenericLiteralCollectionContext |
GremlinParser.GenericLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.GenericLiteralExprContext |
GremlinParser.GenericLiteralListContext |
GremlinParser.GenericLiteralMapContext |
GremlinParser.GenericLiteralRangeContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_connectedComponentStringConstants_componentContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_connectedComponentStringConstants_edgesContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_connectedComponentStringConstants_propertyNameContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_ioOptionsStringConstants_graphmlContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_ioOptionsStringConstants_graphsonContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_ioOptionsStringConstants_gryoContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_ioOptionsStringConstants_readerContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_ioOptionsStringConstants_writerContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_pageRankStringConstants_edgesContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_pageRankStringConstants_propertyNameContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_pageRankStringConstants_timesContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_peerPressureStringConstants_edgesContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_peerPressureStringConstants_propertyNameContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_peerPressureStringConstants_timesContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_shortestPathStringConstants_distanceContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_shortestPathStringConstants_edgesContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_shortestPathStringConstants_includeEdgesContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_shortestPathStringConstants_maxDistanceContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_shortestPathStringConstants_targetContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_allContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_idsContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_indexerContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_keysContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_labelsContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_listContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_mapContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_noneContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_tokensContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstants_withOptionsStringConstants_valuesContext |
GremlinParser.GremlinStringConstantsContext |
GremlinParser.InfLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.IntegerLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.IoOptionsStringConstantContext |
GremlinParser.IoOptionsStringConstantsContext |
GremlinParser.MapEntryContext |
GremlinParser.NanLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.NestedTraversalContext |
GremlinParser.NestedTraversalExprContext |
GremlinParser.NestedTraversalListContext |
GremlinParser.NullLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.NumericLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.PageRankStringConstantContext |
GremlinParser.PageRankStringConstantsContext |
GremlinParser.PeerPressureStringConstantContext |
GremlinParser.PeerPressureStringConstantsContext |
GremlinParser.QueryContext |
GremlinParser.QueryListContext |
GremlinParser.RootTraversalContext |
GremlinParser.ShortestPathStringConstantContext |
GremlinParser.ShortestPathStringConstantsContext |
GremlinParser.StringBasedLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.StringLiteralContext |
GremlinParser.StringLiteralExprContext |
GremlinParser.StringLiteralListContext |
GremlinParser.StructureVertexContext |
GremlinParser.TerminatedTraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TransactionPartContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalBiFunctionContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalCardinalityContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalColumnContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalComparatorContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalDirectionContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalFunctionContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMergeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_addE_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_addE_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_addEContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_addV_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_addV_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_addV_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_addVContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_aggregate_Scope_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_aggregate_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_aggregateContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_andContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_asContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_barrier_ConsumerContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_barrier_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_barrier_intContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_barrierContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_bothContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_bothEContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_bothVContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_branchContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_ComparatorContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_Function_ComparatorContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_FunctionContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_OrderContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_String_ComparatorContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_TContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_Traversal_ComparatorContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_by_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_byContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_call_string_map_traversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_call_string_mapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_call_string_traversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_call_stringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_callContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_capContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_choose_FunctionContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_choose_Predicate_Traversal_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_choose_Predicate_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_choose_Traversal_Traversal_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_choose_Traversal_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_choose_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_chooseContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_coalesceContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_coinContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_connectedComponentContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_constantContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_count_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_count_ScopeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_countContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_cyclicPathContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_dedup_Scope_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_dedup_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_dedupContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_dropContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_elementContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_elementMapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_emit_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_emit_PredicateContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_emit_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_emitContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_fail_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_fail_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_failContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_filter_PredicateContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_filter_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_filterContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_flatMapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_fold_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_fold_Object_BiFunctionContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_foldContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_from_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_from_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_from_VertexContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_fromContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_group_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_group_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_groupContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_groupCount_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_groupCount_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_groupCountContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_has_String_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_has_String_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_has_String_String_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_has_String_String_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_has_String_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_has_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_has_T_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_has_T_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_has_T_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasId_Object_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasId_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasIdContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasKey_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasKey_String_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasKeyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasLabel_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasLabel_String_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasLabelContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasNotContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasValue_Object_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasValue_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_hasValueContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_idContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_identityContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_inContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_indexContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_inEContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_injectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_inVContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_is_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_is_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_isContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_keyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_labelContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_limit_longContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_limit_Scope_longContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_limitContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_localContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_loops_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_loops_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_loopsContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_matchContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mathContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_max_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_max_ScopeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_maxContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mean_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mean_ScopeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_meanContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mergeE_emptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mergeE_MapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mergeE_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mergeEContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mergeV_emptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mergeV_MapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mergeV_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_mergeVContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_min_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_min_ScopeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_minContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_notContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_option_Merge_MapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_option_Merge_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_option_Object_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_option_Predicate_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_option_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_optionalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_optionContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_orContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_order_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_order_ScopeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_orderContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_otherVContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_outContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_outEContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_outVContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_pageRank_doubleContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_pageRank_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_pageRankContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_pathContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_peerPressureContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_profile_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_profile_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_profileContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_projectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_propertiesContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_property_Cardinality_Object_Object_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_property_Cardinality_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_property_Object_Object_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_property_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_propertyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_propertyMapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_range_long_longContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_range_Scope_long_longContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_rangeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_readContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_repeat_String_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_repeat_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_repeatContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sack_BiFunctionContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sack_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sackContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sample_intContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sample_Scope_intContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sampleContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_select_ColumnContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_select_Pop_String_String_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_select_Pop_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_select_Pop_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_select_String_String_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_select_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_select_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_selectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_shortestPathContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sideEffectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_simplePathContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_skip_longContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_skip_Scope_longContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_skipContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_storeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_subgraphContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sum_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sum_ScopeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_sumContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_tail_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_tail_longContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_tail_Scope_longContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_tail_ScopeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_tailContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_timeLimitContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_timesContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_to_Direction_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_to_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_to_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_to_VertexContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_toContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_toEContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_toVContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_tree_EmptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_tree_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_treeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_unfoldContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_unionContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_until_PredicateContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_until_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_untilContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_valueContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_valueMap_boolean_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_valueMap_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_valueMapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_valuesContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_VContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_where_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_where_String_PContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_where_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_whereContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_with_String_ObjectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_with_StringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_withContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethod_writeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalMethodContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalOperatorContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalOrderContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPickContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPopContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_betweenContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_containingContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_endingWithContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_eqContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_gtContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_gteContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_insideContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_ltContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_lteContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_neqContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_notContainingContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_notContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_notEndingWithContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_notRegexContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_notStartingWithContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_outsideContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_regexContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_startingWithContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_withinContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicate_withoutContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalPredicateContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSackMethodContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalScopeContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSelfMethod_noneContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSelfMethodContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSelfMethod_withBulkContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSelfMethod_withContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSelfMethod_withPathContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSelfMethod_withSackContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSelfMethod_withSideEffectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSelfMethod_withStrategiesContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSelfMethodContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_addEContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_addVContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_call_emptyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_call_string_map_traversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_call_string_mapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_call_string_traversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_call_stringContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_callContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_EContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_injectContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_ioContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_mergeE_MapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_mergeE_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_mergeEContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_mergeV_MapContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_mergeV_TraversalContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_mergeVContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethod_VContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalSourceSpawnMethodContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalStrategyArgs_EdgeLabelVerificationStrategyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalStrategyArgs_PartitionStrategyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalStrategyArgs_ProductiveByStrategyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalStrategyArgs_ReservedKeysVerificationStrategyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalStrategyArgs_SubgraphStrategyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalStrategyContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalStrategyExprContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalStrategyListContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTerminalMethod_explainContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTerminalMethod_hasNextContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTerminalMethod_iterateContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTerminalMethod_nextContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTerminalMethod_toBulkSetContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTerminalMethod_toListContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTerminalMethod_toSetContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTerminalMethod_tryNextContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTerminalMethodContext |
GremlinParser.TraversalTokenContext |
GremlinParser.WithOptionsStringConstantContext |
GremlinParser.WithOptionsStringConstantsContext |
GremlinParserException |
This exception is thrown when a parser error is encountered.
GremlinPlugin |
GremlinProcessRunner |
GremlinQueryParser |
GremlinResponseFrameEncoder |
GremlinScriptChecker |
Processes Gremlin strings using regex to try to detect certain properties from the script without actual
having to execute a eval() on it.
GremlinScriptChecker.Result |
GremlinScriptContext |
A ScriptContext that doesn't create new instances of Reader and Writer classes on
GremlinScriptEngine |
A GremlinScriptEngine is an extension of the standard ScriptEngine and provides some specific
methods that are important to the TinkerPop environment.
GremlinScriptEngineFactory |
GremlinScriptEngineManager |
The ScriptEngineManager implements a discovery, instantiation and configuration mechanism for
GremlinScriptEngine classes and also maintains a collection of key/value pairs storing state shared by all
engines created by it.
GremlinScriptEngineSuite |
GremlinServer |
Start and stop Gremlin Server.
GremlinServerGremlinPlugin |
A GremlinPlugin implementation that adds Gremlin Server specific classes to the imports.
GremlinServerInstall |
Command line installer for plugins to Gremlin Server.
GremlinShellEnvironment |
Provides an abstraction over a "Gremlin Shell" (i.e.
GremlinStringConstantsVisitor |
GremlinTypeErrorException |
We use this exception type to signify ERROR in Ternary Boolean Logics.
GremlinValueComparator |
An implementation of the Comparability/Orderability semantics as defined in the Apache TinkerPop Provider
GremlinValueComparator.Type |
The typespace.
GremlinVisitor<T> |
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
by GremlinParser .
GroovyCompilerGremlinPlugin |
A GremlinPlugin that provides access to low-level configuration options of the GroovyScriptEngine
GroovyCompilerGremlinPlugin.Builder |
GroovyCompilerGremlinPlugin.Compilation |
GroovyCustomizer |
GroovyTranslator |
Converts bytecode to a Groovy string of Gremlin.
GroovyTranslator.DefaultTypeTranslator |
Performs standard type translation for the TinkerPop types to Groovy.
GroovyTranslator.LanguageTypeTranslator |
GroupCountSideEffectStep<S,E> |
GroupCountStep<S,E> |
GroupCountStep.GroupCountBiOperator<E> |
GroupCountTest |
GroupCountTest.Traversals |
Grouping<S,K,V> |
GroupSideEffectStep<S,K,V> |
GroupStep<S,K,V> |
GroupStep.GroupBiOperator<K,V> |
GroupTest |
GroupTest.Traversals |
GryoClassResolverV1d0 |
GryoClassResolverV3d0 |
GryoIo |
GryoIo.Builder |
GryoMapper |
A Mapper implementation for Kryo.
GryoMapper.Builder |
GryoPool |
Gryo objects are somewhat expensive to construct (given the dependency on Kryo), therefore this pool helps re-use
those objects.
GryoPool.Builder |
GryoPool.Type |
GryoReader |
The GraphReader for the Gremlin Structure serialization format based on Kryo.
GryoReader.Builder |
GryoResourceAccess |
Provides path access to test data resources.
GryoSerializersV1d0 |
This class holds serializers for graph-based objects such as vertices, edges, properties, and paths.
GryoSerializersV1d0.BindingSerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.BytecodeSerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.DefaultRemoteTraverserSerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.EdgeSerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.LambdaSerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.PathSerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.PropertySerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.PSerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.TextPSerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.VertexPropertySerializer |
GryoSerializersV1d0.VertexSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0 |
This class holds serializers for graph-based objects such as vertices, edges, properties, and paths.
GryoSerializersV3d0.BindingSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.BytecodeSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.DefaultRemoteTraverserSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.EdgeSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.LambdaSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.MetricsSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.PathSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.PropertySerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.PSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.TextPSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.TraversalMetricsSerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.VertexPropertySerializer |
GryoSerializersV3d0.VertexSerializer |
GryoVersion |
GryoWriter |
The GraphWriter for the Gremlin Structure serialization format based on Kryo.
GryoWriter.Builder |
HaltedTraversersCountTraversal |
HaltedTraverserStrategy |
HandshakeInterceptor |
This function is called when the websocket handshake is attempted and the first FullHttpRequest is sent to
the server.
HasContainer |
HasContainerHolder |
HashMapSupplier<K,V> |
HashSetSupplier<A> |
HasNextStep<S> |
HasStep<S extends Element> |
HasTest |
HasTest.Traversals |
Host |
Identifies a server within the Cluster at a specific address.
Host |
A marker interface that identifies an object as something that an Attachable can connect to.
Host.Listener |
HttpBasicAuthenticationHandler |
HttpBasicAuthorizationHandler |
An authorization handler for the http channel that allows the Authorizer to be plugged into it.
HttpChannelizer |
Constructs a Channelizer that exposes an HTTP endpoint in Gremlin Server.
HttpGremlinEndpointHandler |
Handler that processes HTTP requests to the HTTP Gremlin endpoint.
HttpHandlerUtil |
Provides methods shared by the HTTP handlers.
IdentityRemovalStrategy |
IdentityRemovalStrategy looks for IdentityStep instances and removes them.
IdentityStep<S> |
IdentityTraversal<S> |
IdStep<S extends Element> |
IgnoreEngine |
ImmutableExplanation |
A data-only representation of a TraversalExplanation which doesn't re-calculate the "explanation" from
the raw traversal data each time the explanation is displayed.
ImmutableMemory |
ImmutableMetrics |
A Metrics implementation that cannot be modified.
ImmutablePath |
ImportCustomizer |
ImportGremlinPlugin |
A module that allows custom class, static method and enum imports (i.e.
ImportGremlinPlugin.Builder |
IncidentToAdjacentStrategy |
This strategy looks for .outE().inV() , .inE().outV() and .bothE().otherV()
and replaces these step sequences with .out() , .in() or .both() respectively.
IncidentToAdjacentStrategyProcessTest |
IndexedTraverserSet<S,I> |
IndexedTraverserSet.VertexIndexedTraverserSet |
IndexStep<S,E> |
IndexStep.IndexerType |
IndexTest |
IndexTest.Traversals |
InetAddressSerializer<T extends InetAddress> |
InjectStep<S> |
InjectTest |
InjectTest.Traversals |
InlineFilterStrategy |
This strategy analyzes filter-steps with child traversals that themselves are pure filters.
InputShim |
A minimal Input -like abstraction.
InstantSerializer |
InterpreterMode |
InterpreterModeASTTransformation |
Io<R extends GraphReader.ReaderBuilder,W extends GraphWriter.WriterBuilder,M extends Mapper.Builder> |
IO |
Io.Builder<I extends Io> |
Helps to construct an Io implementation and should be implemented by every such implementation as
that class will be passed to by the user.
Io.Exceptions |
IoCore |
IoCustomTest |
IoEdgeTest |
Tests for all IO implementations that are specific to reading and writing of a Edge .
IoGraphTest |
Tests for all IO implementations that are specific to reading and writing of a Graph .
IoPropertyTest |
IoRegistry |
A generalized custom serializer registry for providers implementing a Graph .
IoRegistryHelper |
IoStep<S> |
Handles read and write operations into the Graph .
IoTest |
IoTest.GraphMLTest |
IoTest.GraphSONLegacyTest |
IoTest.GraphSONTest |
IoTest.GraphSONV2D0Test |
IoTest.GraphSONV3D0Test |
IoTest.GryoTest |
IoVertexTest |
IsStep<S> |
IsTest |
IsTest.Traversals |
IteratorUtils |
JaasKrbUtil |
JAAS utilities for Kerberos login.
JaasKrbUtil.KrbCallbackHandler |
JavascriptTranslator |
Converts bytecode to a Javascript string of Gremlin.
JavascriptTranslator.DefaultTypeTranslator |
Performs standard type translation for the TinkerPop types to Javascript.
JavaTranslator<S extends TraversalSource,T extends Traversal.Admin<?,?>> |
JsonParserConcat |
Utility class to easily concatenate multiple JsonParsers.
KdcFixture |
This class is derived from the following classes from
- org.apache.kerby.kerberos.kerb.server.TestKdcServer
- org.apache.kerby.kerberos.kerb.server.KdcTestBase
- org.apache.kerby.kerberos.kerb.server.LoginTestBase
See also: gremlin-server/src/main/static/NOTICE
KeyedProperty<V> |
A utility implementation of a Property that only has a key but no value.
KeyedVertexProperty<V> |
A utility implementation of a Property that only has a key but no value and no meta-properties.
KeyValue<K,V> |
Krb5Authenticator |
A Kerberos (GSSAPI) implementation of an Authenticator
This authenticator authenticates and autorizes all clients with a valid service ticket.
KryoShim<I extends InputShim,O extends OutputShim> |
A minimal Kryo -like abstraction.
KryoShimService |
This interface exists to decouple HadoopPools from TinkerPop's shaded Kryo.
KryoShimServiceLoader |
LabelledCounter |
Class to track a count associated with a Label
LabelStep<S extends Element> |
Lambda |
Provides a way to serialize string lambdas as scripts which can be evaluated by a GremlinScriptEngine .
Lambda.AbstractLambda |
Lambda.BinaryLambda<A> |
Lambda.OneArgLambda<A,B> |
Lambda.TwoArgLambda<A,B,C> |
Lambda.UnaryLambda<A> |
Lambda.UnknownArgLambda |
Lambda.ZeroArgLambda<A> |
LambdaCollectingBarrierStep<S> |
LambdaFilterStep<S> |
LambdaFlatMapStep<S,E> |
LambdaHolder |
This is a marker interface stating that the Step contains a
lambda/anonymous function.
LambdaMapStep<S,E> |
LambdaRestrictionStrategy |
LambdaRestrictionStrategy does not allow lambdas to be used in a Traversal .
LambdaSerializer |
LambdaSideEffectStep<S> |
LazyBarrierStrategy |
LazyBarrierStrategy is an OLTP-only strategy that automatically inserts a NoOpBarrierStep after every
FlatMapStep if neither path-tracking nor partial path-tracking is required, and the next step is not the
traversal's last step or a Barrier .
LazyBindingsCustomizer |
A customizer implementation that provides bindings to a GremlinScriptEngine in the
ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE .
LegacyGraphSONReader |
A @{link GraphReader} that constructs a graph from a JSON-based representation of a graph and its elements given
the "legacy" Blueprints 2.x version of GraphSON.
LegacyGraphSONReader.Builder |
LegacyGraphSONReader.GraphSONTokensTP2 |
LifeCycleHook |
Provides a method in which users can hook into the startup and shutdown lifecycle of Gremlin Server.
LifeCycleHook.Context |
Contains objects from the server that might be useful to scripting during the startup and shutdown process.
ListCallbackRegistry<E extends Event> |
ListSerializer |
LoadBalancingStrategy |
Provides a method for selecting the host from a Cluster .
LoadBalancingStrategy.RoundRobin |
A simple round-robin strategy that simply selects the next host in the Cluster to send the
RequestMessage to.
LoadGraphWith |
Annotations to define a graph example to load from test resources prior to test execution.
LoadGraphWith.GraphData |
LocalBarrier<S> |
LocalDateSerializer |
LocalDateTimeSerializer |
LocalStep<S,E> |
LocalTest |
LocalTest.Traversals |
LocalTimeSerializer |
LoopsStep<S> |
LoopsTest |
LoopsTest.Traversals |
LoopTraversal<S> |
LP_NL_O_OB_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
LP_NL_O_OB_P_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
LP_NL_O_OB_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
LP_NL_O_OB_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
LP_O_OB_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
LP_O_OB_P_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
LP_O_OB_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
LP_O_OB_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
MapEntrySerializer |
MapHelper |
MapMemory |
Mapper<T> |
Represents a low-level serialization class that can be used to map classes to serializers.
Mapper.Builder<B extends Mapper.Builder> |
Largely a marker interface for builders that construct Mapper instances.
MapReduce<MK,MV,RK,RV,R> |
A MapReduce is composed of map(), combine(), and reduce() stages.
MapReduce.MapEmitter<K,V> |
The MapEmitter is used to emit key/value pairs from the map() stage of the MapReduce job.
MapReduce.NullObject |
A convenience singleton when a single key is needed so that all emitted values converge to the same combiner/reducer.
MapReduce.ReduceEmitter<OK,OV> |
The ReduceEmitter is used to emit key/value pairs from the combine() and reduce() stages of the MapReduce job.
MapReduce.Stage |
MapReduce is composed of three stages: map, combine, and reduce.
MapReducePool |
MapReducer<MK,MV,RK,RV,R> |
MapSerializer |
MapStep<S,E> |
A marker base class that designates an extending Step as a "Map" step which will transform the object of one
Traverser into another.
MapTest |
MapTest.Traversals |
MatchAlgorithmStrategy |
MatchAlgorithmStrategy.Builder |
MatchPredicateStrategy |
MatchWhereStrategy will fold any post-where() step that maintains a traversal constraint into
match() .
MatchStep<S,E> |
MatchStep.CountMatchAlgorithm |
MatchStep.GreedyMatchAlgorithm |
MatchStep.Helper |
MatchStep.MatchAlgorithm |
MatchStep.MatchEndStep |
MatchStep.MatchStartStep |
MatchStep.TraversalType |
MatchTest |
MatchTest.CountMatchTraversals |
MatchTest.GreedyMatchTraversals |
MatchTest.Traversals |
MathStep<S> |
MathStep.TinkerExpression |
A wrapper for the Expression class.
MathTest |
MathTest.Traversals |
MaxGlobalStep<S extends Comparable> |
MaxLocalStep<E extends Comparable,S extends Iterable<E>> |
MaxTest |
MaxTest.Traversals |
MeanGlobalStep<S extends Number,E extends Number> |
MeanGlobalStep.MeanGlobalBiOperator<S extends Number> |
MeanGlobalStep.MeanNumber |
MeanLocalStep<E extends Number,S extends Iterable<E>> |
MeanNumberSupplier |
MeanTest |
MeanTest.Traversals |
Memory |
The Memory of a GraphComputer is a global data structure where by vertices can communicate information with one another.
Memory.Admin |
The Admin interface is used by the GraphComputer to update the Memory.
Memory.Exceptions |
MemoryComputeKey<A> |
A MemoryComputeKey specifies what keys will be used by a Memory during a GraphComputer computation.
MemoryComputing<M> |
MemoryHelper |
MemoryTraversalSideEffects |
Merge |
Merge options relevant to upsert-like steps mergeV() and mergeE() that are applied to the relevant
option() modulator.
MergeEdgeStep<S> |
Implementation for the mergeE() step covering both the start step version and the one used mid-traversal.
MergeEdgeTest |
MergeEdgeTest.Traversals |
MergeStep<S,E,C> |
Abstract base class for the mergeV/E() implementations.
MergeVertexStep<S> |
Implementation for the mergeV() step covering both the start step version and the one used mid-traversal.
MergeVertexTest |
MergeVertexTest.Traversals |
MessageCombiner<M> |
A MessageCombiner allows two messages in route to the same vertex to be aggregated into a single message.
MessagePassingReductionStrategy |
MessageScope |
MessageScope.Global |
A Global message is directed at an arbitrary vertex in the graph.
MessageScope.Local<M> |
A Local message is directed to an adjacent (or "memory adjacent") vertex.
MessageScope.Local.ReverseTraversalSupplier |
A helper class that can be used to generate the reverse traversal of the traversal within a MessageScope.Local .
MessageSerializer<M> |
Serializes data to and from Gremlin Server.
MessageTextSerializer<M> |
An extension to the MessageSerializer interface that allows a format to be compatible with text-based
websocket messages.
Messenger<M> |
The Messenger serves as the routing system for messages between vertices.
MetaRegistryUtil |
MetricManager |
Singleton that contains and configures Gremlin Server's MetricRegistry .
Metrics |
Holds metrics data; typically for .profile()-step analysis.
MetricsSerializer |
MinGlobalStep<S extends Comparable> |
MinLocalStep<E extends Comparable,S extends Iterable<E>> |
MinTest |
MinTest.Traversals |
MockGremlinScriptEngine |
MockGremlinScriptEngineFactory |
MockSerializable |
MonthDaySerializer |
MultiComparator<C> |
MultiIterator<T> |
MultiMap |
A number of static methods to interact with a multi map, i.e.
MultiTaskSession |
A Session implementation that queues tasks given to it and executes them in a serial fashion within the
same thread which thus allows multiple tasks to be executed in the same transaction.
MutableMetrics |
A Metrics implementation that can be modified.
MutableMetricsSupplier |
MutablePath |
Mutating<E extends Event> |
A marker interface for steps that modify the graph.
MutationListener |
NestedTraversalSourceListVisitor |
This class implements Gremlin grammar's nested-traversal-list methods that returns a Traversal []
to the callers.
NettyBufferFactory |
Represents a factory to create Buffer instances from wrapped ByteBuf instances.
NL_O_OB_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
NL_O_OB_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
NoHostAvailableException |
NoneStep<S> |
NoOpBarrierStep<S> |
NoOpTerminalVisitor |
This is the entry point for converting the Gremlin Antlr grammar into Java.
NormalDistribution |
Generates values according to a normal distribution with the configured standard deviation.
NotStep<S> |
NumberHelper |
O_OB_S_SE_SL_Traverser<T> |
O_OB_S_SE_SL_TraverserGenerator |
O_Traverser<T> |
ObjectLoader |
OffsetDateTimeSerializer |
OffsetTimeSerializer |
Operator |
A set of BinaryOperator instances that handle common operations for traversal steps.
OpExecutorHandler |
OpLoader |
OpProcessor |
Interface for providing commands that websocket requests will respond to.
OpProcessorException |
OpSelectorHandler |
OptionalStep<S> |
OptionalTest |
OptionalTest.Traversals |
OptionsStrategy |
This strategy will not alter the traversal.
OptionsStrategy.Builder |
Order |
Provides Comparator instances for ordering traversers.
OrderabilityTest |
OrderabilityTest.Traversals |
OrderGlobalStep<S,C extends Comparable> |
OrderGlobalStep.OrderBiOperator<S> |
OrderLimitStrategy |
OrderLocalStep<S,C extends Comparable> |
OrderTest |
OrderTest.Traversals |
OrP<V> |
OrStep<S> |
OrTest |
OrTest.Traversals |
OutputShim |
A minimal Output -like abstraction.
P<V> |
Predefined Predicate values that can be used to define filters to has() and where() .
PageRank |
PageRankMapReduce |
PageRankMapReduce.Builder |
PageRankMessageCombiner |
PageRankTest |
PageRankTest.Traversals |
PageRankVertexProgram |
PageRankVertexProgram.Builder |
PageRankVertexProgramStep |
PageRankVertexProgramTest |
Parameterizing |
An interface for Step implementations that hold a Parameters object, which fold in arguments from
other steps.
Parameters |
ParseTreeContextCastHelper |
Antlr parse tree context cast helper.
PartitionStrategy |
PartitionStrategy partitions the vertices, edges and vertex properties of a graph into String named
partitions (i.e.
PartitionStrategy.Builder |
PartitionStrategyProcessTest |
Path |
A Path denotes a particular walk through a Graph as defined by a Traversal .
Path.Exceptions |
PathFilterStep<S> |
PathProcessor |
PathProcessor.ElementRequirement |
PathProcessorStrategy |
PathProcessStrategy is an OLAP strategy that does its best to turn non-local children in where()
and select() into local children by inlining components of the non-local child.
PathRetractionStrategy |
PathSerializer |
PathStep<S> |
PathTest |
PathTest.Traversals |
PathUtil |
PeerPressure |
PeerPressureTest |
PeerPressureTest.Traversals |
PeerPressureVertexProgram |
PeerPressureVertexProgram.Builder |
PeerPressureVertexProgramStep |
PeriodSerializer |
Pick |
A token used with option() .
Pop |
A Path may have multiple values associated with a single label.
PowerLawDistribution |
Generates values according to a scale-free distribution with the configured gamma value.
PredicateTraversal<S> |
PredicateTraverser<A> |
ProcessComputerSuite |
The ProcessComputerSuite is a JUnit test runner that executes the Gremlin Test Suite over a
Graph implementation.
ProcessLimitedComputerSuite |
The ProcessLimitedComputerSuite is a set of tests that providers may implement in addition to the standard Gherkin
feature tests.
ProcessLimitedStandardSuite |
The ProcessLimitedComputerSuite is a set of tests that providers may implement in addition to the standard Gherkin
feature tests.
ProcessorException |
ProcessStandardSuite |
The ProcessStandardSuite is a JUnit test runner that executes the Gremlin Test Suite over a
Graph implementation.
ProductiveByStrategy |
Takes an argument of by() and wraps it CoalesceStep so that the result is either the initial
Traversal argument or null .
ProductiveByStrategy.Builder |
ProfileSideEffectStep<S> |
ProfileStep<S> |
ProfileStep.ProfileBiOperator |
ProfileStrategy |
ProfileTest |
ProfileTest.MockStep |
ProfileStrategy callback test.
ProfileTest.Traversals |
Profiling |
A Step can implement this interface in order to receive a reference to the MutableMetrics object
for the Step .
ProfilingApplication |
An internal application used to test out configuration parameters for Gremlin Driver.
ProfilingAware |
Marks a Step as one that is aware of profiling.
ProfilingAware.ProfiledBarrier |
A helper class which holds a Barrier and it's related ProfileStep so that the latter can have
its timer started and stopped appropriately.
ProgramPhase |
ProgramTest |
ProgramTest.TestProgram |
ProgramTest.Traversals |
ProgramVertexProgramStep |
ProjectedTraverser<T,P> |
ProjectStep<S,E> |
ProjectTest |
ProjectTest.Traversals |
PropertiesStep<E> |
PropertiesTest |
PropertiesTest.Traversals |
Property<V> |
A Property denotes a key/value pair associated with an Edge .
Property.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a property.
PropertyExpressionEvaluator |
PropertyKeyStep |
PropertyMapStep<K,E> |
PropertySerializer |
PropertyTest |
Gremlin Test Suite for Property operations.
PropertyTest.BasicPropertyTest |
PropertyTest.ElementGetValueExceptionConsistencyTest |
PropertyTest.PropertyFeatureSupportTest |
PropertyTest.PropertyValidationOnAddExceptionConsistencyTest |
Checks that properties added to an Element are validated in a consistent way when they are added at
Vertex or Edge construction by throwing an appropriate exception.
PropertyTest.PropertyValidationOnSetExceptionConsistencyTest |
Checks that properties added to an Element are validated in a consistent way when they are set after
Vertex or Edge construction by throwing an appropriate exception.
PropertyType |
This enumeration allows for the specification of the type of a Property .
PropertyValueStep<E> |
PSerializer<T extends P> |
PureTraversal<S,E> |
PythonTranslator |
Translates Gremlin Bytecode into a Python string representation.
PythonTranslator.DefaultTypeTranslator |
Performs standard type translation for the TinkerPop types to Python.
PythonTranslator.NoSugarTranslator |
Performs translation without for the syntax sugar to Python.
RangeGlobalStep<S> |
RangeGlobalStep.RangeBiOperator<S> |
RangeLocalStep<S> |
RangeTest |
RangeTest.Traversals |
Ranging |
ReadOnlyStrategy |
ReadOnlyStrategyProcessTest |
ReadTest |
ReadTest.Traversals |
ReadWriting |
An interface that defines a Step as one that handles IO based operations for a Graph .
ReadWriting.Mode |
Determines the mode of the the IO operation as being for reading or writing (or by default "unset")
ReducingBarrierStep<S,E> |
ReducingBarrierStep.NonEmittingSeed |
A class that represents a value that is not be to be emitted which helps with flow control internal to the class
and is serializable in Gryo for use in OLAP.
ReferenceEdge |
ReferenceEdgeTest |
ReferenceElement<E extends Element> |
ReferenceElementStrategy |
A strategy that detaches traversers with graph elements as references (i.e.
ReferenceElementStrategy.ReferenceElementStep<S,E> |
ReferenceFactory |
ReferenceGraphTest |
ReferencePath |
ReferenceProperty<V> |
ReferenceVertex |
ReferenceVertexProperty<V> |
ReferenceVertexPropertyTest |
ReferenceVertexTest |
RemoteAcceptor |
The Gremlin Console supports the :remote and :submit commands which provide standardized ways
for plugins to provide "remote connections" to resources and a way to "submit" a command to those resources.
RemoteConnection |
A simple abstraction of a "connection" to a "server" that is capable of processing a Traversal and
returning results.
RemoteConnectionException |
RemoteException |
A mapper Exception to be thrown when there are problems with processing a command given to a
RemoteAcceptor .
RemoteGraph |
RemoteGraph is only required for integrating with the test suite as there must be a Graph instance
for the test suite to bind to.
RemoteGraph.RemoteFeatures |
RemoteGraph.RemoteGraphFeatures |
RemoteStep<S,E> |
RemoteStrategy |
RemoteTraversal<S,E> |
RemoteTraverser<T> |
RepeatASTTransformationCustomizer |
RepeatStep<S> |
RepeatStep.RepeatEndStep<S> |
RepeatTest |
RepeatTest.Traversals |
RepeatUnrollStrategy |
RepeatUnrollStrategy is an OLTP-only strategy that unrolls any RepeatStep if it uses a constant
number of loops ( times(x) ) and doesn't emit intermittent elements.
RequestMessage |
The model for a request message sent to the server.
RequestMessage.Builder |
RequestMessageGryoSerializer |
RequestMessageSerializer |
RequestOptions |
Options that can be supplied on a per request basis.
RequestOptions.Builder |
RequirementsStep<S> |
RequirementsStrategy |
ReservedKeysVerificationStrategy |
This verification strategy detects property keys that should not be used by the traversal.
ReservedKeysVerificationStrategy.Builder |
ResponseException |
ResponseMessage |
ResponseMessage.Builder |
ResponseMessageGryoSerializer |
ResponseMessageSerializer |
ResponseResult |
ResponseStatus |
ResponseStatusCode |
Response status codes for Gremlin Server responses.
Result |
A Result represents a result value from the server-side Iterator of results.
ResultSet |
A ResultSet is returned from the submission of a Gremlin script to the server and represents the
results provided by the server.
SackFunctions |
SackFunctions.Barrier |
SackStep<S,E> |
SackStrategy |
The SackStrategy is used internal to the withSack() steps of TraversalSource and is not
typically constructed directly.
SackStrategy.Builder<A> |
SackTest |
SackTest.Traversals |
SackValueStep<S,A,B> |
SampleGlobalStep<S> |
SampleLocalStep<S> |
SampleTest |
SampleTest.Traversals |
SandboxHelper |
SaslAndHttpBasicAuthenticationHandler |
An Authentication Handler for doing WebSocket Sasl and Http Basic auth
SaslAuthenticationHandler |
A SASL authentication handler that allows the Authenticator to be plugged into it.
ScalarMapStep<S,E> |
A type of MapStep class which will transform the object of one Traverser into another.
Scope |
Many Step instance can have a variable scope which alter the manner in which the step will behave in
relation to how the traversers are processed.
Scoping |
This interface is implemented by Step implementations that access labeled path steps, side-effects or
Map values by key, such as select('a') step.
Scoping.KeyNotFoundException |
Scoping.Variable |
Script |
General representation of script
ScriptCustomizer |
ScriptEngineCache |
A cache of standard ScriptEngine instances, instantiated by the standard ScriptEngineManager .
ScriptEngineLambda |
ScriptEngineLambdaTest |
ScriptEngineLambdaTest.Junk |
ScriptEngineToTest |
ScriptFileGremlinPlugin |
ScriptFileGremlinPlugin.Builder |
ScriptResourceAccess |
Provides path access to test data resources.
ScriptTraversal<S,E> |
Seedable |
An interface implemented by steps that have some form of Random usage that can be configured by way of a
seed to allow for deterministic behavior of the step.
SeedStrategy |
A strategy that resets the specified seed value for Seedable steps, which in turn will produce
deterministic results from those steps.
SeedStrategyProcessTest |
SelectOneStep<S,E> |
SelectStep<S,E> |
SelectTest |
SelectTest.Traversals |
SerializationException |
SerializationTest |
Serialization tests that occur at a lower level than IO.
SerializationTest.GraphSONV1d0Test |
SerializationTest.GraphSONV2d0Test |
SerializationTest.GraphSONV3d0Test |
SerializationTest.GryoV1d0Test |
SerializationTest.GryoV3d0Test |
Serializer |
Serializers |
An enum of the default serializers.
SerializerShim<T> |
SerTokens |
ServerGremlinExecutor |
The core of script execution in Gremlin Server.
Service<I,R> |
Service call with I input type and R return type.
Service.DirectoryService<I> |
Meta-service to list and describe registered callable services.
Service.DirectoryService.Params |
Service.Exceptions |
Service.ServiceCallContext |
Context information for service call invocation.
Service.ServiceFactory<I,R> |
The service factory creates instances of callable services based on the desired execution type.
Service.Type |
Service calls can appear at the start of a traversal or mid-traversal.
ServiceRegistry |
A basic service registry implementation used by CallStep .
Session |
Requests that arrive through the UnifiedHandler are all processed within a Session implementation.
Session |
Defines a "session" for the SessionOpProcessor which preserves state between requests made to Gremlin
SessionException |
An exception that holds the error-related ResponseMessage which is meant to be returned to the calling
SessionOpProcessor |
Simple OpProcessor implementation that handles ScriptEngine script evaluation in the context of
a session.
SessionTask |
A SessionTask equates to a particular incoming request to the UnifiedHandler and is analogous to
a Context in the OpProcessor approach to handling requests to the server.
SetSerializer |
Settings |
Server settings as configured by a YAML file.
Settings.AuthenticationSettings |
Settings.AuthorizationSettings |
Settings.BaseMetrics |
Settings.ConsoleReporterMetrics |
Settings for a Metrics reporter that writes to the console.
Settings.CsvReporterMetrics |
Settings for a Metrics reporter that writes to a CSV file.
Settings.GangliaReporterMetrics |
Settings for a Metrics reporter that writes to Ganglia.
Settings.GraphiteReporterMetrics |
Settings for a Metrics reporter that writes to Graphite.
Settings.HostPortIntervalMetrics |
Settings.IntervalMetrics |
Settings.JmxReporterMetrics |
Settings for a Metrics reporter that writes to JMX.
Settings.ProcessorSettings |
Custom configurations for any OpProcessor implementations.
Settings.ScriptEngineSettings |
Settings for the ScriptEngine .
Settings.SerializerSettings |
Settings.ServerMetrics |
Settings for Metrics recorded by Gremlin Server.
Settings.Slf4jReporterMetrics |
Settings for a Metrics reporter that writes to the SL4J output.
Settings.SslSettings |
Settings to configure SSL support.
ShadedInputAdapter |
ShadedKryoAdapter |
ShadedOutputAdapter |
ShadedSerializerAdapter<T> |
ShortestPath |
ShortestPathTest |
ShortestPathTest.Traversals |
ShortestPathTestHelper |
ShortestPathVertexProgram |
ShortestPathVertexProgram.Builder |
ShortestPathVertexProgramStep |
ShortestPathVertexProgramTest |
SideEffectCapable<S,E> |
A SideEffectCapable step stores a side-effect data structure accessible by a side-effect key.
SideEffectCapStep<S,E> |
SideEffectCapTest |
SideEffectCapTest.Traversals |
SideEffectHelper |
SideEffectStep<S> |
SideEffectStrategy |
SideEffectTest |
SideEffectTest.Traversals |
SimpleAuthenticator |
A simple implementation of an Authenticator that uses a Graph instance as a credential store.
SimpleClient |
SimplePathTest |
SimplePathTest.Traversals |
SimpleSandboxExtension |
SimpleTypeSerializer<T> |
Base class for serialization of types that don't contain type specific information only {type_code}, {value_flag}
and {value}.
SingleGremlinScriptEngineManager |
SingleMessenger<M> |
SingleTaskSession |
A simple Session implementation that accepts one request, processes it and exits.
SingleTypeSerializer<T> |
Represents a serializer for types that can be represented as a single value and that can be read and write
in a single operation.
SizableIterable<T> |
Utility class to make size determinations for Iterable for efficient.
StandardOpProcessor |
Simple OpProcessor implementation that handles ScriptEngine script evaluation outside the context
of a session.
StandardVerificationStrategy |
StarGraph |
A StarGraph is a form of Attachable (though the Graph implementation does not implement
that interface itself).
StarGraph.Builder |
StarGraph builder with options to customize its internals
StarGraph.StarGraphFeatures |
StarGraphGraphSONDeserializer |
Provides helper functions for reading vertex and edges from their serialized GraphSON forms.
StarGraphGraphSONSerializerV1d0 |
StarGraphGraphSONSerializerV2d0 |
StarGraphGraphSONSerializerV3d0 |
StarGraphGryoSerializer |
StarGraphSerializer |
StarGraphTest |
StartStep<S> |
StateKey |
Keys used in the various handlers to store state in the pipeline.
StaticMapReduce<MK,MV,RK,RV,R> |
StaticVertexProgram<M> |
Step<S,E> |
StepDefinition |
StepLoader |
StepPosition |
Storage |
Storage is a standard API that providers can implement to allow abstract UNIX-like file system for data sources.
StoreIteratorCounter |
Utility class which can be used by providers to keep a count of the number of
open iterators to the underlying storage.
StoreTest |
StoreTest.Traversals |
StrategyLoader |
StringFactory |
A collection of helpful methods for creating standard Object.toString() representations of graph-related
StringSerializer |
StructureElementVisitor |
StructureStandardSuite |
The StructureStandardSuite is a JUnit test runner that executes the Gremlin Test Suite over a
Graph implementation.
SubgraphStep |
A side-effect step that produces an edge induced subgraph.
SubgraphStrategy |
SubgraphStrategy.Builder |
SubgraphStrategyProcessTest |
SubgraphTest |
SubgraphTest.Traversals |
SugarGremlinPlugin |
A plugin implementation which allows for the usage of Gremlin Groovy's syntactic sugar.
SugarLoader |
SugarLoader.ElementCategory |
SugarLoader.GraphTraversalCategory |
SugarLoader.GraphTraversalSourceCategory |
SugarLoader.TraverserCategory |
SugarLoader.VertexCategory |
SumGlobalStep<S extends Number> |
SumLocalStep<E extends Number,S extends Iterable<E>> |
SumTest |
SumTest.Traversals |
SupplyingBarrierStep<S,E> |
SystemUtil |
T |
A collection of (T)okens which allows for more concise Traversal definitions.
TailGlobalStep<S> |
TailLocalStep<S> |
TailTest |
Original spec:
TailTest.Traversals |
TemporaryException |
Any exception that implements this interface will be recognized as one whose throwing operation is correct but can
be retried.
TerminalMethodToBytecodeVisitor |
Handles terminal steps for Bytecode as they are not added this way naturally.
TernaryBooleanLogicsTest |
TestFiles |
TestHelper |
Utility methods for test development.
TestSupport |
This is a utility class that is for support of various testing activities and is not meant to be used in other
Text |
Text is a BiPredicate that determines whether the first string starts with, starts
not with, ends with, ends not with, contains or does not contain the second string argument.
Text.RegexPredicate |
Allows for a compiled version of the regex pattern.
TextP |
Predefined Predicate values that can be used as String filters.
ThreadFactoryUtil |
ThrowingBiConsumer<A,B> |
ThrowingConsumer<A> |
ThrowingFunction<T,R> |
ThrowingSupplier<T> |
TimedInterruptTimeoutException |
An exception thrown from the TimedInterruptGroovyCustomizer when the timeout is exceeded.
TimeLimitStep<S> |
TimesModulating |
TimeUtil |
TinkerCountGlobalStep<S extends Element> |
TinkerDegreeCentralityFactory |
Count the IN/OUT/BOTH edges for a set of vertices.
TinkerDegreeCentralityFactory.Params |
TinkerEdge |
TinkerElement |
TinkerFactory |
Helps create a variety of different toy graphs for testing and learning purposes.
TinkerGraph |
An in-memory (with optional persistence on calls to TinkerGraph.close() ), reference implementation of the property
graph interfaces provided by TinkerPop.
TinkerGraph.DefaultIdManager |
TinkerGraph.IdManager<T> |
TinkerGraph will use an implementation of this interface to generate identifiers when a user does not supply
them and to handle identifier conversions when querying to provide better flexibility with respect to
handling different data types that mean the same thing.
TinkerGraphComputer |
TinkerGraphComputerView |
TinkerGraphCountStrategy |
TinkerGraphGremlinPlugin |
TinkerGraphIterator<E> |
Wrapper on top of Iterator representing a closable resource to the underlying storage.
TinkerGraphStep<S,E extends Element> |
TinkerGraphStepStrategy |
TinkerGraphVariables |
TinkerHelper |
TinkerIoRegistryV1d0 |
An implementation of the IoRegistry interface that provides serializers with custom configurations for
implementation specific classes that might need to be serialized.
TinkerIoRegistryV2d0 |
An implementation of the IoRegistry interface that provides serializers with custom configurations for
implementation specific classes that might need to be serialized.
TinkerIoRegistryV3d0 |
An implementation of the IoRegistry interface that provides serializers with custom configurations for
implementation specific classes that might need to be serialized.
TinkerMapEmitter<K,V> |
TinkerMemory |
TinkerMessenger<M> |
TinkerPopJacksonModule |
A SimpleModule extension that does the necessary work to make the automatic typed deserialization
without full canonical class names work.
TinkerPopSandboxExtension |
TinkerProperty<V> |
TinkerReduceEmitter<OK,OV> |
TinkerServiceRegistry |
TinkerGraph services are currently just "toy" services, used to demonstrate and to test.
TinkerServiceRegistry.LambdaBarrierService<I,R> |
TinkerServiceRegistry.LambdaServiceFactory<I,R> |
TinkerServiceRegistry.LambdaServiceFactory.Options |
TinkerServiceRegistry.LambdaStartService<I,R> |
TinkerServiceRegistry.LambdaStreamingService<I,R> |
TinkerServiceRegistry.TinkerService<I,R> |
TinkerServiceRegistry.TinkerServiceFactory<I,R> |
TinkerTextSearchFactory<I,R> |
Inefficient text search implementation (scan+filter), searches for Property s by token/regex.
TinkerTextSearchFactory.Params |
TinkerVertex |
TinkerVertexProperty<V> |
TinkerWorkerMemory |
TinkerWorkerPool |
Tokens |
String constants used in gremlin-driver and gremlin-server.
TokenTraversal<S,E> |
ToStringGraphSONSerializer |
A different implementation of the ToStringSerializer that does not serialize types by calling
`typeSerializer.writeTypePrefixForScalar()` for unknown objects, because it doesn't make sense when there is a
custom types mechanism in place.
ToyIoRegistry |
ToyIoRegistry.ToyModule |
ToyPoint |
ToyPoint.ToyPointJacksonDeSerializer |
ToyPoint.ToyPointJacksonSerializer |
ToyPoint.ToyPointSerializer |
ToyTriangle |
ToyTriangle.ToyTriangleJacksonDeSerializer |
ToyTriangle.ToyTriangleJacksonSerializer |
ToyTriangle.ToyTriangleSerializer |
Transaction |
A set of methods that allow for control of transactional behavior of a Graph instance.
Transaction.CLOSE_BEHAVIOR |
Transaction.Exceptions |
Transaction.Status |
A status provided to transaction listeners to inform whether a transaction was successfully committed
or rolled back.
TransactionException |
TransactionTest |
TransformSerializer<T> |
Represents a special TypeSerializer placeholder that transforms the value into another before serializing it.
TranslationStrategy |
TranslationStrategyProcessTest |
Translator<S,T> |
A Translator will translate Bytecode into another representation.
Translator.ScriptTranslator |
Translates bytecode to a Script representation.
Translator.ScriptTranslator.AbstractTypeTranslator |
Translator.ScriptTranslator.TypeTranslator |
Provides a way for the Translator.ScriptTranslator to convert various data types to their string
representations in their target language.
Translator.StepTranslator<S extends TraversalSource,T extends Traversal.Admin<?,?>> |
Translates bytecode to actual steps.
TranslatorCustomizer |
Provides a way to customize and override Bytecode to script translation.
TraversableLambda<S,E> |
Traversal<S,E> |
Traversal.Admin<S,E> |
Traversal.Exceptions |
A collection of Exception types associated with Traversal execution.
Traversal.Symbols |
TraversalClassFunction<S,E> |
TraversalEngine |
A TraversalEngine is a test component that helps determine the engine on which a traversal test will execute.
TraversalEngine.Type |
TraversalEnumParser |
Traversal enum parser parses all the enums like (e.g.
TraversalExplanation |
A TraversalExplanation takes a Traversal and, for each registered TraversalStrategy , it creates a
mapping reflecting how each strategy alters the traversal.
TraversalExplanationSerializer |
TraversalFilterStep<S> |
TraversalFlatMapStep<S,E> |
TraversalFunctionVisitor |
Traversal Function parser parses Function enums.
TraversalHelper |
TraversalInterruptedException |
Thrown if a Traversal is interrupted during execution.
TraversalInterruptionComputerTest |
TraversalInterruptionTest |
TraversalMapStep<S,E> |
TraversalMatrix<S,E> |
A TraversalMatrix provides random, non-linear access to the steps of a traversal by their step id.
TraversalMethodVisitor |
Specific case of TraversalRootVisitor where all TraversalMethods returns
a GraphTraversal object.
TraversalMetrics |
Contains the Metrics gathered for a Traversal as the result of the .profile()-step.
TraversalMetricsSerializer |
TraversalObjectFunction<S,E> |
TraversalOpProcessor |
TraversalOptionParent<M,S,E> |
Describes steps that can be parent to a Traversal from the option() modulator.
TraversalParent |
TraversalPredicateVisitor |
TraversalProduct |
This class represents the state of the output of a child Traversal where it is either productive or not.
TraversalRing<A,B> |
TraversalRootVisitor<G extends Traversal> |
This visitor handles the cases when a new traversal is getting started.
TraversalSelectStep<S,E> |
TraversalSideEffects |
TraversalSideEffects.Exceptions |
TraversalSideEffectStep<S> |
TraversalSource |
A TraversalSource is used to create Traversal instances.
TraversalSource.Symbols |
TraversalSourceFactory<T extends TraversalSource> |
TraversalSourceSelfMethodVisitor |
TraversalSourceSpawnMethodVisitor |
TraversalSourceTxVisitor |
Handles transactions via calls to tx() .
TraversalStrategies |
TraversalStrategies.GlobalCache |
TraversalStrategy<S extends TraversalStrategy> |
TraversalStrategy.DecorationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies that adds "application logic" to the traversal (e.g.
TraversalStrategy.FinalizationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies that do final behaviors that require a fully compiled traversal to work (e.g.
TraversalStrategy.OptimizationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies that rewrite the traversal to be more efficient, but with the same semantics
TraversalStrategy.ProviderOptimizationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies that rewrite the traversal to be more efficient, but with the same semantics.
TraversalStrategy.VerificationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies where there is no more behavioral tweaking of the traversal required.
TraversalStrategyProxy<T extends TraversalStrategy> |
This class is for use with Bytecode and for serialization purposes.
TraversalStrategySerializer |
TraversalStrategyVisitor |
TraversalTerminalMethodVisitor |
Traversal terminal method visitor
TraversalUtil |
TraversalVertexProgram |
TraversalVertexProgram.Builder |
TraversalVertexProgramMessageCombiner |
TraversalVertexProgramStep |
Traverser<T> |
A Traverser represents the current state of an object flowing through a Traversal .
Traverser.Admin<T> |
The methods in System.Traverser are useful to underlying Step and Traversal implementations.
TraverserGenerator |
A TraverserGenerator will generate traversers for a particular Traversal .
TraverserGeneratorFactory |
TraverserIterator |
TraverserRequirement |
TraverserSerializer |
TraverserSet<S> |
TraverserSetSupplier<S> |
Tree<T> |
TreeSerializer |
TreeSideEffectStep<S> |
TreeStep<S> |
TreeStep.TreeBiOperator |
TreeSupplier<A> |
TreeTest |
TreeTest.Traversals |
TriConsumer<A,B,C> |
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result.
TriFunction<A,B,C,R> |
TrueTraversal<S> |
TypeInfo |
Defines how data types are handled in GraphSON through the GraphSONMapper .
TypeRegistration<T> |
Represents a class serializable with Gryo.
TypeSerializer<T> |
Represents a serializer for a given type.
TypeSerializerRegistry |
TypeSerializerRegistry.Builder |
UnfoldStep<S,E> |
UnfoldTest |
UnfoldTest.Traversals |
UnifiedChannelizer |
A Channelizer that supports websocket and HTTP requests and does so with the most streamlined processing
model for Gremlin Server introduced with 3.5.0.
UnifiedHandler |
UnionStep<S,E> |
UnionTest |
UnionTest.Traversals |
UserAgent |
UUIDSerializer |
ValueMapTest |
ValueMapTest.Traversals |
ValueTraversal<T,V> |
More efficiently extracts a value from an Element or Map to avoid strategy application costs.
VarAsBindingASTTransformation |
VariablesTest |
VariablesTest.GraphVariablesFeatureSupportTest |
VariablesTest.StringRepresentationTest |
VariablesTest.VariableAsMapTest |
VariablesTest.VariableExceptionConsistencyTest |
VerificationException |
Vertex |
A Vertex maintains pointers to both a set of incoming and outgoing Edge objects.
Vertex.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a vertex.
VertexByteArrayInputStream |
VertexComputeKey |
A VertexComputeKey specifies a property of a vertex that will be used to store GraphComputer data.
VertexComputing |
VertexProgram<M> |
A VertexProgram represents one component of a distributed graph computation.
VertexProgram.Builder |
VertexProgram.Features |
VertexProgramHelper |
VertexProgramInterceptor<V extends VertexProgram,G,M extends Memory> |
VertexProgramPool |
VertexProgramRestrictionStrategy |
VertexProgramStep |
VertexProgramStrategy |
VertexProgramStrategy.Builder |
VertexProperty<V> |
A VertexProperty is similar to a Property in that it denotes a key/value pair associated with an
Vertex , however it is different in the sense that it also represents an entity that it is an Element
that can have properties of its own.
VertexProperty.Cardinality |
VertexProperty.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a property.
VertexPropertySerializer |
VertexPropertyTest |
VertexPropertyTest.BasicVertexProperty |
VertexPropertyTest.VertexPropertyAddition |
VertexPropertyTest.VertexPropertyProperties |
VertexPropertyTest.VertexPropertyRemoval |
VertexSerializer |
VertexStep<E extends Element> |
VertexTerminator |
Represents the end of a vertex in a serialization stream.
VertexTest |
VertexTest |
VertexTest.AddEdgeTest |
VertexTest.BasicVertexTest |
VertexTest.Traversals |
WebSocketAuthorizationHandler |
An authorization handler for the websockets channel that allows the Authorizer to be plugged into it.
WebSocketChannelizer |
A Channelizer that exposes a WebSocket-based Gremlin endpoint with a custom sub-protocol.
WebSocketClient |
A simple, non-thread safe Gremlin Server client using websockets.
WebSocketClientHandler |
Wrapper over WebSocketClientProtocolHandler .
WebSocketClientHandler.InterceptedWebSocketClientHandshaker13 |
WebSocketGremlinRequestEncoder |
WebSocketGremlinResponseDecoder |
WherePredicateStep<S> |
WhereTest |
WhereTest.Traversals |
WhereTraversalStep<S> |
WhereTraversalStep.WhereEndStep |
WhereTraversalStep.WhereStartStep<S> |
WithOptions |
World |
This interface provides the context the test suite needs in order to execute the Gherkin tests.
WrappedEdge<E> |
WrappedElement<E> |
WrappedGraph<G> |
Graph implementations that don't natively implement the TinkerPop interfaces should implement the
"wrapped" classes to provide a standard way for users to get the vendor's "raw" object that represents their
WrappedProperty<P> |
WrappedVariables<V> |
WrappedVertex<V> |
WrappedVertexProperty<P> |
WriteTest |
WriteTest.Traversals |
WsAndHttpChannelizer |
A channelizer for port unification with websockets and http
WsAndHttpChannelizerHandler |
A ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter for use with WsAndHttpChannelizer that toggles between WebSockets
and http.
WsGremlinBinaryRequestDecoder |
Decodes the contents of a BinaryWebSocketFrame .
WsGremlinCloseRequestDecoder |
Handles close requests over web sockets.
WsGremlinResponseFrameEncoder |
Encodes ByteBuf and String values to Websocket frames.
WsGremlinTextRequestDecoder |
Decodes the contents of a TextWebSocketFrame .
WsUserAgentHandler |
Channel handler which extracts a user agent header from a web socket handshake if present
then logs the user agent and stores it as a channel attribute for future reference.
YearMonthSerializer |
ZonedDateTimeSerializer |
ZoneOffsetSerializer |
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