default GraphTraversal<S,Edge> |
GraphTraversal.addE(Traversal<?,String> edgeLabelTraversal) |
GraphTraversal<Edge,Edge> |
GraphTraversalSource.addE(Traversal<?,String> edgeLabelTraversal) |
default GraphTraversal<S,Vertex> |
GraphTraversal.addV(Traversal<?,String> vertexLabelTraversal) |
GraphTraversal<Vertex,Vertex> |
GraphTraversalSource.addV(Traversal<?,String> vertexLabelTraversal) |
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.and(Traversal<?,?>... andTraversals) |
Ensures that all of the provided traversals yield a result.
default <M,E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.branch(Traversal<?,M> branchTraversal) |
Split the Traverser to all the specified traversals.
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |<?,?> traversal) |
The by() can be applied to a number of different step to alter their behaviors.
default <V> GraphTraversal<S,E> |<?,?> traversal,
Comparator<V> comparator) |
The by() can be applied to a number of different step to alter their behaviors.
default <E> GraphTraversal<S,E> | service,
Map params,
Traversal<?,Map<?,?>> childTraversal) |
Perform the specified service call with both static and dynamic parameters produced by the specified child
default <E> GraphTraversal<S,E> | service,
Traversal<?,Map<?,?>> childTraversal) |
Perform the specified service call with dynamic parameters produced by the specified child traversal.
<S> GraphTraversal<S,S> | service,
Map params,
Traversal<S,Map> childTraversal) |
Spawns a GraphTraversal starting with values produced by the specified service call with both static and
dynamic parameters produced by the specified child traversal.
<S> GraphTraversal<S,S> | service,
Traversal<S,Map> childTraversal) |
Spawns a GraphTraversal starting with values produced by the specified service call with dynamic
parameters produced by the specified child traversal.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.choose(Predicate<E> choosePredicate,
Traversal<?,E2> trueChoice) |
Routes the current traverser to a particular traversal branch option which allows the creation of if-then
like semantics within a traversal.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.choose(Predicate<E> choosePredicate,
Traversal<?,E2> trueChoice,
Traversal<?,E2> falseChoice) |
Routes the current traverser to a particular traversal branch option which allows the creation of if-then-else
like semantics within a traversal.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.choose(Traversal<?,?> traversalPredicate,
Traversal<?,E2> trueChoice) |
Routes the current traverser to a particular traversal branch option which allows the creation of if-then
like semantics within a traversal.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.choose(Traversal<?,?> traversalPredicate,
Traversal<?,E2> trueChoice,
Traversal<?,E2> falseChoice) |
Routes the current traverser to a particular traversal branch option which allows the creation of if-then-else
like semantics within a traversal.
default <M,E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.choose(Traversal<?,M> choiceTraversal) |
Routes the current traverser to a particular traversal branch option which allows the creation of if-then-else
like semantics within a traversal.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.coalesce(Traversal<?,E2>... coalesceTraversals) |
Evaluates the provided traversals and returns the result of the first traversal to emit at least one object.
default GraphTraversal<S,String> |
GraphTraversal.concat(Traversal<?,String> concatTraversal,
Traversal<?,String>... otherConcatTraversals) |
Concatenate values of an arbitrary number of string traversals to the incoming traverser.
default GraphTraversal<S,Long> |
GraphTraversal.dateDiff(Traversal<?,Date> dateTraversal) |
Returns the difference between two Date in epoch time.
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.emit(Traversal<?,?> emitTraversal) |
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.filter(Traversal<?,?> filterTraversal) |
Map the Traverser to either true or false , where false will not pass the
traverser to the next step.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.flatMap(Traversal<?,E2> flatMapTraversal) |
Map a Traverser referencing an object of type E to an iterator of objects of type E2 .
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.from(Traversal<?,Vertex> fromVertex) |
When used as a modifier to GraphTraversal.addE(String) this method specifies the traversal to use for selecting the
outgoing vertex of the newly added Edge .
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.has(String propertyKey,
Traversal<?,?> propertyTraversal) |
Filters vertices, edges and vertex properties based on the value of the specified property key.
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.has(T accessor,
Traversal<?,?> propertyTraversal) |
Filters vertices, edges and vertex properties based on their value of T where only and
T.label are supported.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.local(Traversal<?,E2> localTraversal) |
Provides a execute a specified traversal on a single element within a stream.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |<?,E2> mapTraversal) |
Map a Traverser referencing an object of type E to an object of type E2 .
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,Map<String,E2>> |
GraphTraversal.match(Traversal<?,?>... matchTraversals) |
Map the Traverser to a Map of bindings as specified by the provided match traversals.
default GraphTraversal<S,Edge> |
GraphTraversal.mergeE(Traversal<?,Map<Object,Object>> searchCreate) |
GraphTraversal<Edge,Edge> |
GraphTraversalSource.mergeE(Traversal<?,Map<Object,Object>> searchCreate) |
default GraphTraversal<S,Vertex> |
GraphTraversal.mergeV(Traversal<?,Map<Object,Object>> searchCreate) |
Performs a merge (i.e.
<S> GraphTraversal<S,Vertex> |
GraphTraversalSource.mergeV(Traversal<?,Map<Object,Object>> searchCreate) |
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.not(Traversal<?,?> notTraversal) |
Removes objects from the traversal stream when the traversal provided as an argument returns any objects.
default <M,E2> GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.option(M token,
Traversal<?,E2> traversalOption) |
This is a step modulator to a TraversalOptionParent like choose() or mergeV() where the
provided argument associated to the token is applied according to the semantics of the step.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.option(Traversal<?,E2> traversalOption) |
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.optional(Traversal<?,E2> optionalTraversal) |
Returns the result of the specified traversal if it yields a result, otherwise it returns the calling element.
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.or(Traversal<?,?>... orTraversals) |
Ensures that at least one of the provided traversals yield a result.
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.repeat(String loopName,
Traversal<?,E> repeatTraversal) |
This step is used for looping over a traversal given some break predicate and with a specified loop name.
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.repeat(Traversal<?,E> repeatTraversal) |
This step is used for looping over a traversal given some break predicate.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> | pop,
Traversal<S,E2> keyTraversal) |
Map the Traverser to the object specified by the key returned by the keyTraversal and apply the Pop operation
to it.
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |<S,E2> keyTraversal) |
Map the Traverser to the object specified by the key returned by the keyTraversal .
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.sideEffect(Traversal<?,?> sideEffectTraversal) |
Perform some operation on the Traverser and pass it to the next step unmodified.
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |<?,Vertex> toVertex) |
When used as a modifier to GraphTraversal.addE(String) this method specifies the traversal to use for selecting the
incoming vertex of the newly added Edge .
default <E2> GraphTraversal<S,E2> |
GraphTraversal.union(Traversal<?,E2>... unionTraversals) |
Merges the results of an arbitrary number of traversals.
<S> GraphTraversal<S,S> |
GraphTraversalSource.union(Traversal<?,S>... unionTraversals) |
Merges the results of an arbitrary number of traversals.
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.until(Traversal<?,?> untilTraversal) |
default GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.where(Traversal<?,?> whereTraversal) |
Filters the current object based on the object itself or the path history.