Class Context

  • public class Context
    extends Object
    The context of Gremlin Server within which a particular request is made.
    Stephen Mallette (
    • Method Detail

      • setTimeoutExecutor

        public void setTimeoutExecutor​(ScheduledFuture<?> timeoutExecutor)
      • getRequestTimeout

        public long getRequestTimeout()
        The timeout for the request. If the request is a script it examines the script for a timeout setting using with(). If that is not found then it examines the request itself to see if the timeout is provided by Tokens.TIMEOUT_MS. If that is not provided then the Settings.evaluationTimeout is utilized as the default.
      • getMaterializeProperties

        public String getMaterializeProperties()
      • getRequestMessage

        public RequestMessage getRequestMessage()
        Gets the current request to Gremlin Server.
      • getChannelHandlerContext

        public getChannelHandlerContext()
        Gets the Netty context.
      • getSettings

        public Settings getSettings()
        Gets the current configuration of Gremlin Server.
      • getGraphManager

        public GraphManager getGraphManager()
        Gets the set of Graph objects configured in Gremlin Server.
      • getGremlinExecutor

        public GremlinExecutor getGremlinExecutor()
        Gets the executor chosen to evaluate incoming Gremlin scripts based on the request.
      • getStartedResponse

        public boolean getStartedResponse()
        Gets whether the server has started processing the response for this request.
      • setStartedResponse

        public void setStartedResponse()
        Signal that the server has started processing the response.
      • handleDetachment

        public void handleDetachment​(List<Object> aggregate)