class |
AddEdgeStep<S> |
class |
AddVertexStep<S> |
class |
AsDateStep<S> |
Reference implementation for date parsing step.
class |
AsStringGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for asString() step, a mid-traversal step which returns the incoming traverser value
as a string.
class |
AsStringLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for asString() step, a mid-traversal step which returns the incoming traverser value
as a string.
class |
CombineStep<S,E> |
A map step that returns the combination of the traverser and the provided arguments.
class |
ConcatStep<S> |
Reference implementation for String concatenation step, a mid-traversal step which concatenates one or more
String values together to the incoming String traverser.
class |
ConjoinStep<S> |
A map step that returns the result of joining every element in the traverser using the delimiter argument.
class |
ConstantStep<S,E> |
class |
CountLocalStep<S> |
class |
DateAddStep<S> |
Reference implementation for date concatenation step.
class |
DateDiffStep<S> |
Reference implementation for date difference step.
class |
DedupLocalStep<E,S extends Iterable<E>> |
class |
DifferenceStep<S,E> |
A map step that returns the difference of the traverser and the provided arguments without duplicates.
class |
DisjunctStep<S,E> |
A map step that returns the disjunction of the traverser and the provided arguments without duplicates.
class |
EdgeOtherVertexStep |
class |
ElementMapStep<K,E> |
class |
ElementStep<P extends Property,E extends Element> |
class |
IdStep<S extends Element> |
class |
IndexStep<S,E> |
class |
IntersectStep<S,E> |
A map step that returns the intersection of the traverser and the provided arguments.
class |
LabelStep<S extends Element> |
class |
LambdaMapStep<S,E> |
class |
LengthGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for length() step, a mid-traversal step which returns the length of the incoming string
class |
LengthLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for length() step, a mid-traversal step which returns the length of the incoming string
class |
LoopsStep<S> |
class |
LTrimGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for lTrim() step, a mid-traversal step which returns a string with leading
whitespace removed.
class |
LTrimLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for lTrim() step, a mid-traversal step which returns a string with leading
whitespace removed.
class |
MergeStep<S,E> |
A map step that returns the merger of the traverser and the provided arguments without duplicates.
class |
OrderLocalStep<S,C extends Comparable> |
class |
ProductStep<S,E> |
A map step that returns the cartesian product of the traverser and the provided arguments.
class |
ProjectStep<S,E> |
class |
PropertyKeyStep |
class |
PropertyMapStep<K,E> |
class |
PropertyValueStep<E> |
class |
RangeLocalStep<S> |
class |
ReplaceGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for substring step, a mid-traversal step which returns a string with the specified
characters in the original string replaced with the new characters.
class |
ReplaceLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for substring step, a mid-traversal step which returns a string with the specified
characters in the original string replaced with the new characters.
class |
ReverseStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for reverse() step, a mid-traversal step which returns the reverse value.
class |
RTrimGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for rTrim() step, a mid-traversal step which a string with trailing
whitespace removed.
class |
RTrimLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for rTrim() step, a mid-traversal step which a string with trailing
whitespace removed.
class |
SackStep<S,E> |
class |
SampleLocalStep<S> |
class |
SplitGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for substring step, a mid-traversal step which returns a list of strings created by
splitting the incoming string traverser around the matches of the given separator.
class |
SplitLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for substring step, a mid-traversal step which returns a list of strings created by
splitting the incoming string traverser around the matches of the given separator.
class |
SubstringGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for substring step, a mid-traversal step which returns a substring of the incoming string
traverser with a 0-based start index (inclusive) and optionally an end index (exclusive).
class |
SubstringLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for substring step, a mid-traversal step which returns a substring of the incoming string
traverser with a 0-based start index (inclusive) and optionally an end index (exclusive).
class |
TailLocalStep<S> |
class |
ToLowerGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for toLower() step, a mid-traversal step which returns a lower case string representation
of the incoming string traverser.
class |
ToLowerLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for the local scope of the toUpper() step, a mid-traversal step which returns an upper case
string representation of all elements inside the incoming list traverser.
class |
ToUpperGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for toUpper() step, a mid-traversal step which returns an upper case string representation
of the incoming string traverser.
class |
ToUpperLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for the local scope of the toUpper() step, a mid-traversal step which returns an upper case
string representation of all elements inside the incoming list traverser.
class |
TrimGlobalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for trim() step, a mid-traversal step which returns a string with leading and trailing
whitespace removed.
class |
TrimLocalStep<S,E> |
Reference implementation for trim() step, a mid-traversal step which returns a string with leading and trailing
whitespace removed.