Class GremlinTranslator

  • public class GremlinTranslator
    extends Object
    Translates a String representation of a Gremlin traversal into a various source code representation of that traversal using the ANTLR grammar.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GremlinTranslator

        public GremlinTranslator()
    • Method Detail

      • translate

        public static Translation translate​(String query)
        Convert a Gremlin string into a Java source code representation of that traversal.
      • translate

        public static Translation translate​(String query,
                                            String graphTraversalSourceName)
        Convert a Gremlin string into a Java source code representation of that traversal.
      • translate

        public static Translation translate​(String query,
                                            String graphTraversalSourceName,
                                            Translator translator)
        Convert a Gremlin string into the specified source code representation of that traversal.
      • translate

        public static Translation translate​(String query,
                                            Translator translator)
        Convert a Gremlin string into the specified source code representation of that traversal.
      • translate

        public static Translation translate​(String query,
                                            TranslateVisitor visitor)
        Convert a Gremlin string into a source code representation of that traversal using a custom visitor.