Class TraversalStrategies.GlobalCache

    • Constructor Detail

      • GlobalCache

        public GlobalCache()
    • Method Detail

      • registerStrategies

        public static void registerStrategies​(Class graphOrGraphComputerClass,
                                              TraversalStrategies traversalStrategies)
        Register a set of strategies for a particular graph or graph computer class. This is typically done by the graph or graph computer class itself when it is loaded. Strategy names should be globally unique and are added to the GLOBAL_REGISTRY such that duplicates will overwrite the previous registration.
      • registerStrategy

        public static void registerStrategy​(Class<? extends TraversalStrategy> clazz)
        Registers a strategy by its simple name, but does not cache an instance of it. Choose this method if you don't want the strategy to be included as part of the default strategy set, but do want it available to the grammar when parsing Gremlin.
      • getRegisteredStrategyClass

        public static Optional<? extends Class<? extends TraversalStrategy>> getRegisteredStrategyClass​(String strategyName)
        Looks up a strategy by its simple name.