Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.addContactPoint(String address) |
Adds the address of a Gremlin Server to the list of servers a Client will try to contact to send
requests to.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.addContactPoints(String... addresses) |
Add one or more the addresses of a Gremlin Servers to the list of servers a Client will try to
contact to send requests to.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.addInterceptor(String name,
RequestInterceptor interceptor) |
Adds a RequestInterceptor to the end of the list that will allow manipulation of the
HttpRequest prior to its being sent to the server.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.addInterceptorAfter(String priorInterceptorName,
String nameOfInterceptor,
RequestInterceptor interceptor) |
Adds a RequestInterceptor after another one that will allow manipulation of the HttpRequest
prior to its being sent to the server.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.addInterceptorBefore(String subsequentInterceptorName,
String nameOfInterceptor,
RequestInterceptor interceptor) |
Adds a RequestInterceptor before another one that will allow manipulation of the HttpRequest
prior to its being sent to the server.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.auth(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.auth.Auth auth) |
static Cluster.Builder | |
static Cluster.Builder | configurationFile) |
static Cluster.Builder | address) |
static Cluster.Builder | serializingInterceptor) |
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.bulkResults(boolean bulkResults) |
Configures whether cluster will enable result bulking to optimize performance.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.connectionSetupTimeoutMillis(long connectionSetupTimeoutMillis) |
Sets the duration of time in milliseconds provided for connection setup to complete which includes WebSocket
handshake and SSL handshake.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.enableSsl(boolean enable) |
Enables connectivity over SSL - note that the server should be configured with SSL turned on for this
setting to work properly.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.enableUserAgentOnConnect(boolean enableUserAgentOnConnect) |
Configures whether cluster will send a user agent during
web socket handshakes
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.idleConnectionTimeoutMillis(long idleConnectionTimeoutMillis) |
Sets the time in milliseconds that the driver will allow a channel to not receive read or writes before it automatically closes.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.keyStore(String keyStore) |
The file location of the private key in JKS or PKCS#12 format.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.keyStorePassword(String keyStorePassword) |
The password of the keyStore , or null if it's not password-protected.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.keyStoreType(String keyStoreType) |
The format of the keyStore , either JKS or PKCS12
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.loadBalancingStrategy(LoadBalancingStrategy loadBalancingStrategy) |
Specifies the load balancing strategy to use on the client side.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.maxConnectionPoolSize(int maxSize) |
The maximum size that the ConnectionPool can grow.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.maxResponseContentLength(long maxResponseContentLength) |
The maximum size in bytes of any response received from the server.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.maxWaitForClose(int maxWait) |
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait the connection to close before timing out where the default
value is 3000.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.maxWaitForConnection(int maxWait) |
The maximum amount of time to wait for a connection to be borrowed from the connection pool.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.nioPoolSize(int nioPoolSize) |
Size of the pool for handling request/response operations.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.path(String path) |
The path to the Gremlin service on the host which is "/gremlin" by default.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.port(int port) |
Sets the port that the Gremlin Servers will be listening on.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.reconnectInterval(int interval) |
Time in milliseconds to wait between retries when attempting to reconnect to a dead host.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.removeInterceptor(String name) |
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.resultIterationBatchSize(int size) |
Override the server setting that determines how many results are returned per batch.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.serializer(String mimeType) |
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.serializer(MessageSerializer<?> serializer) |
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.serializer(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.ser.Serializers mimeType) |
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.sslCipherSuites(List<String> sslCipherSuites) |
A list of cipher suites to enable.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.sslContext(io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext sslContext) |
Explicitly set the SslContext for when more flexibility is required in the configuration than is
allowed by the Cluster.Builder .
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.sslEnabledProtocols(List<String> sslEnabledProtocols) |
A list of SSL protocols to enable.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.sslSkipCertValidation(boolean sslSkipCertValidation) |
If true, trust all certificates and do not perform any validation.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.trustStore(String trustStore) |
The file location for a SSL Certificate Chain to use when SSL is enabled.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.trustStorePassword(String trustStorePassword) |
The password of the trustStore , or null if it's not password-protected.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.trustStoreType(String trustStoreType) |
The format of the trustStore , either JKS or PKCS12
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.validationRequest(String script) |
Specify a valid Gremlin script that can be used to test remote operations.
Cluster.Builder |
Cluster.Builder.workerPoolSize(int workerPoolSize) |
Size of the pool for handling background work.