Interface MutationListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MutationListener
    Interface for a listener to EventStrategy change events. Implementations of this interface should be added to the list of listeners on the addListener method on the EventStrategy.
    Stephen Mallette (
    • Method Detail

      • vertexAdded

        void vertexAdded​(Vertex vertex)
        Raised when a new Vertex is added.
        vertex - the Vertex that was added
      • vertexRemoved

        void vertexRemoved​(Vertex vertex)
        Raised after a Vertex was removed from the graph.
        vertex - the Vertex that was removed
      • vertexPropertyChanged

        void vertexPropertyChanged​(Vertex element,
                                   VertexProperty oldValue,
                                   Object setValue,
                                   Object... vertexPropertyKeyValues)
        Raised after the property of a Vertex changed.
        element - the Vertex that changed
        setValue - the new value of the property
      • edgeAdded

        void edgeAdded​(Edge edge)
        Raised after a new Edge is added.
        edge - the Edge that was added
      • edgeRemoved

        void edgeRemoved​(Edge edge)
        Raised after an Edge was removed from the graph.
        edge - the Edge that was removed.
      • edgePropertyChanged

        void edgePropertyChanged​(Edge element,
                                 Property oldValue,
                                 Object setValue)
        Raised after the property of a Edge changed.
        element - the Edge that changed
        setValue - the new value of the property
      • edgePropertyRemoved

        void edgePropertyRemoved​(Edge element,
                                 Property property)
        Raised after an Property property was removed from an Edge.
        property - the Property that was removed
      • vertexPropertyPropertyChanged

        void vertexPropertyPropertyChanged​(VertexProperty element,
                                           Property oldValue,
                                           Object setValue)
        Raised after the property of a VertexProperty changed.
        element - the VertexProperty that changed
        setValue - the new value of the property