Edge.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with an edge.
EdgeTest |
EdgeTest.BasicEdgeTest |
Element.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with an element.
FeatureSupportTest |
Tests that do basic validation of proper Feature settings in Graph implementations.
FeatureSupportTest.EdgeFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that test Edge functionality to determine if a feature
should be on when it is marked as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.ElementPropertyDataTypeFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that test Element Property functionality to determine if a feature should be on
when it is marked as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.FeatureToStringTest |
FeatureSupportTest.GraphFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that test Graph functionality to determine if a feature should be on when it is marked
as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.GraphVariablesFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that tests if Graph.Variables
functionality to determine if a feature should be on when it is marked as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.LogicalFeatureSupportTest |
Feature checks that simply evaluate conflicting feature definitions without evaluating the actual implementation
FeatureSupportTest.VertexFunctionalityTest |
Feature checks that test Vertex functionality to determine if a feature
should be on when it is marked as not supported.
FeatureSupportTest.VertexPropertyFunctionalityTest |
Graph.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a graph.
Graph.Hidden |
This should only be used by providers to create keys, labels, etc.
Graph.Variables.Exceptions |
GraphConstructionTest |
GraphTest |
MockSerializable |
Property.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a property.
PropertyTest |
Gremlin Test Suite for Property operations.
PropertyTest.BasicPropertyTest |
PropertyTest.ElementGetValueExceptionConsistencyTest |
PropertyTest.PropertyFeatureSupportTest |
PropertyTest.PropertyValidationOnAddExceptionConsistencyTest |
Checks that properties added to an Element are validated in a consistent way when they are added at
Vertex or Edge construction by throwing an appropriate exception.
PropertyTest.PropertyValidationOnSetExceptionConsistencyTest |
Checks that properties added to an Element are validated in a consistent way when they are set after
Vertex or Edge construction by throwing an appropriate exception.
RemoteGraph |
RemoteGraph is only required for integrating with the test suite as there must be a Graph instance
for the test suite to bind to.
RemoteGraph.RemoteFeatures |
RemoteGraph.RemoteGraphFeatures |
SerializationTest |
Serialization tests that occur at a lower level than IO.
SerializationTest.GraphSONV1Test |
SerializationTest.GraphSONV2Test |
SerializationTest.GraphSONV3Test |
SerializationTest.GryoV1Test |
SerializationTest.GryoV3Test |
StructureStandardSuite |
The StructureStandardSuite is a JUnit test runner that executes the Gremlin Test Suite over a
Graph implementation.
Transaction.Exceptions |
Transaction.Symbols |
TransactionMultiThreadedTest |
Tests for graphs that has multithreaded access
TransactionTest |
VariablesTest |
VariablesTest.GraphVariablesFeatureSupportTest |
VariablesTest.StringRepresentationTest |
VariablesTest.VariableAsMapTest |
VariablesTest.VariableExceptionConsistencyTest |
Vertex.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a vertex.
VertexProperty.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a property.
VertexPropertyTest |
VertexPropertyTest.BasicVertexProperty |
VertexPropertyTest.VertexPropertyAddition |
VertexPropertyTest.VertexPropertyProperties |
VertexPropertyTest.VertexPropertyRemoval |
VertexTest |
VertexTest.AddEdgeTest |
VertexTest.BasicVertexTest |