All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractGremlinPlugin |
AbstractGremlinScriptEngineFactory |
AbstractIoRegistry |
Base implementation of the IoRegistry interface that provides implementation of the methods using a
a HashMap .
AnonymousTraversalSource<T extends TraversalSource> |
Provides a unified way to construct a TraversalSource from the perspective of the traversal.
AuthProperties |
Properties to supply to the Cluster for authentication purposes.
AuthProperties.Property |
An enum of the available authorization properties.
Bindings |
Bindings are used to associate a variable with a value.
BindingsCustomizer |
BindingsGremlinPlugin |
BindingsGremlinPlugin.Builder |
Buffer |
Represents an abstract view for one or more primitive byte arrays and NIO buffers.
BufferFactory<T> |
Bytecode |
When a TraversalSource is manipulated and then a Traversal is spawned and mutated, a language
agnostic representation of those mutations is recorded in a bytecode instance.
Bytecode.Binding<V> |
Bytecode.Instruction |
CachedGremlinScriptEngineManager |
Channelizer |
Client-side channel initializer interface.
Channelizer.AbstractChannelizer |
Channelizer.WebSocketChannelizer |
Client |
A Client is constructed from a Cluster and represents a way to send messages to Gremlin Server.
Client.AliasClusteredClient |
Client.ClusteredClient |
A Client implementation that does not operate in a session.
Client.SessionedClient |
A Client implementation that operates in the context of a session.
Client.SessionSettings |
Settings for a Client that involve a session.
Client.SessionSettings.Builder |
Client.Settings |
Client.Settings.Builder |
Cluster |
A connection to a set of one or more Gremlin Server instances.
Cluster.Builder |
CollectionUtil |
Column |
Column references a particular type of column in a complex data structure such as a Map , a
Map.Entry , or a Path .
Compare |
Compare is a BiPredicate that determines whether the first argument is == , != ,
> , >= , < , <= to the second argument.
Computer |
ComputerResult |
ConcurrentBindings |
A Bindings that can be accessed concurrently by multiple threads.
ConnectedComponentVertexProgram |
Identifies "Connected Component" instances in a graph by assigning a component identifier (the lexicographically
least string value of the vertex in the component) to each vertex.
ConnectedComponentVertexProgram.Builder |
ConsoleCustomizer |
Contains |
Contains is a BiPredicate that evaluates whether the first object is contained within (or not
within) the second collection object.
CoreGremlinPlugin |
This module is required for a ScriptEngine to be Gremlin-enabled.
CoreImports |
Customizer |
DatetimeHelper |
Utility class for parsing and formatting dates/times.
DefaultBindingsCustomizer |
Default implementation of the BindingsCustomizer which adds bindings to the ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE .
DefaultGremlinScriptEngineManager |
The ScriptEngineManager implements a discovery, instantiation and configuration mechanism for
GremlinScriptEngine classes and also maintains a collection of key/value pairs storing state shared by all
engines created by it.
DefaultImportCustomizer |
Simple implementation of the ImportCustomizer which allows direct setting of all the different import types.
DefaultImportCustomizer.Builder |
DefaultScriptCustomizer |
Default implementation of the ScriptCustomizer that can create the script list from a list of files or
from lines of script.
Direction |
Edge |
Edge.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with an edge.
Element |
Element.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with an element.
ExceptionHelper |
Utility class with helpful functions for exceptions.
Failure |
Graph |
Graph.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a graph.
Graph.Features |
An interface that represents the capabilities of a Graph implementation.
Graph.Features.DataTypeFeatures |
Base interface for features that relate to supporting different data types.
Graph.Features.EdgeFeatures |
Features that are related to Edge operations.
Graph.Features.EdgePropertyFeatures |
Graph.Features.ElementFeatures |
Features that are related to Element objects.
Graph.Features.FeatureSet |
A marker interface to identify any set of Features.
Graph.Features.GraphFeatures |
Features specific to a operations of a "graph".
Graph.Features.PropertyFeatures |
Graph.Features.VariableFeatures |
Graph.Features.VertexFeatures |
Features that are related to Vertex operations.
Graph.Features.VertexPropertyFeatures |
Graph.Hidden |
This should only be used by providers to create keys, labels, etc.
Graph.OptIn |
Defines the test suite that the implementer has decided to support and represents publicly as "passing".
Graph.OptIns |
Graph.OptOut |
Defines a test in the suite that the implementer does not want to run.
Graph.OptOuts |
Graph.Variables |
Graph variables are a set of key/value pairs associated with the graph.
Graph.Variables.Exceptions |
GraphComputer |
GraphComputer.Exceptions |
GraphComputer.Features |
GraphComputer.Persist |
GraphComputer.ResultGraph |
GraphFilter |
GraphFilter is used by GraphComputer implementations to prune the source graph data being loaded into the OLAP system.
GraphFilter.Legal |
A enum denoting whether a particular result will be allowed or not.
GraphMigrator |
GraphMigrator takes the data in one graph and pipes it to another graph.
GraphMLReader |
GraphMLReader writes the data from a GraphML stream to a graph.
GraphMLReader.Builder |
Allows configuration and construction of the GraphMLReader instance.
GraphMLWriter |
GraphMLWriter writes a Graph to a GraphML OutputStream.
GraphMLWriter.Builder |
GraphOp |
A GraphOp or "graph operation" is a static Bytecode form that does not translate to a traversal
but instead refers to a specific function to perform on a graph instance.
GraphReader |
Functions for reading a graph and its graph elements from a different serialization format.
GraphReader.ReaderBuilder<T extends GraphReader> |
Largely a marker interface for builder classes that construct a GraphReader .
GraphSONReader |
A @{link GraphReader} that constructs a graph from a JSON-based representation of a graph and its elements.
GraphSONReader.Builder |
GraphSONWriter |
A @{link GraphWriter} that writes a graph and its elements to a JSON-based representation.
GraphSONWriter.Builder |
GraphTraversal<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.Admin<S,E> |
GraphTraversal.Symbols |
GraphTraversalSource |
A GraphTraversalSource is the primary DSL of the Gremlin traversal machine.
GraphTraversalSource.Symbols |
GraphWriter |
Functions for writing a graph and its elements to a serialized format.
GraphWriter.WriterBuilder<T extends GraphWriter> |
Largely a marker interface for builder classes that construct a GraphWriter .
Gremlin |
GremlinLangScriptEngine |
GremlinLangScriptEngineFactory |
GremlinPlugin |
GremlinScriptChecker |
Processes Gremlin strings using regex to try to detect certain properties from the script without actual
having to execute a eval() on it.
GremlinScriptChecker.Result |
GremlinScriptContext |
A ScriptContext that doesn't create new instances of Reader and Writer classes on
GremlinScriptEngine |
A GremlinScriptEngine is an extension of the standard ScriptEngine and provides some specific
methods that are important to the TinkerPop environment.
GremlinScriptEngineFactory |
GremlinScriptEngineManager |
The ScriptEngineManager implements a discovery, instantiation and configuration mechanism for
GremlinScriptEngine classes and also maintains a collection of key/value pairs storing state shared by all
engines created by it.
GremlinShellEnvironment |
Provides an abstraction over a "Gremlin Shell" (i.e.
GremlinTypeErrorException |
We use this exception type to signify ERROR in Ternary Boolean Logics.
GremlinValueComparator |
An implementation of the Comparability/Orderability semantics as defined in the Apache TinkerPop Provider
GremlinValueComparator.Type |
The typespace.
GryoReader |
The GraphReader for the Gremlin Structure serialization format based on Kryo.
GryoReader.Builder |
GryoWriter |
The GraphWriter for the Gremlin Structure serialization format based on Kryo.
GryoWriter.Builder |
HandshakeInterceptor |
This function is called when the websocket handshake is attempted and the first FullHttpRequest is sent to
the server.
Host |
Identifies a server within the Cluster at a specific address.
Host.Listener |
ImportCustomizer |
ImportGremlinPlugin |
A module that allows custom class, static method and enum imports (i.e.
ImportGremlinPlugin.Builder |
Io<R extends GraphReader.ReaderBuilder,W extends GraphWriter.WriterBuilder,M extends Mapper.Builder> |
IO |
Io.Builder<I extends Io> |
Helps to construct an Io implementation and should be implemented by every such implementation as
that class will be passed to by the user.
Io.Exceptions |
IoCore |
IoRegistry |
A generalized custom serializer registry for providers implementing a Graph .
JavaTranslator<S extends TraversalSource,T extends Traversal.Admin<?,?>> |
KeyValue<K,V> |
LazyBindingsCustomizer |
A customizer implementation that provides bindings to a GremlinScriptEngine in the
ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE .
LoadBalancingStrategy |
Provides a method for selecting the host from a Cluster .
LoadBalancingStrategy.RoundRobin |
A simple round-robin strategy that simply selects the next host in the Cluster to send the
RequestMessage to.
Mapper<T> |
Represents a low-level serialization class that can be used to map classes to serializers.
Mapper.Builder<B extends Mapper.Builder> |
Largely a marker interface for builders that construct Mapper instances.
MapReduce<MK,MV,RK,RV,R> |
A MapReduce is composed of map(), combine(), and reduce() stages.
MapReduce.MapEmitter<K,V> |
The MapEmitter is used to emit key/value pairs from the map() stage of the MapReduce job.
MapReduce.NullObject |
A convenience singleton when a single key is needed so that all emitted values converge to the same combiner/reducer.
MapReduce.ReduceEmitter<OK,OV> |
The ReduceEmitter is used to emit key/value pairs from the combine() and reduce() stages of the MapReduce job.
MapReduce.Stage |
MapReduce is composed of three stages: map, combine, and reduce.
Memory |
The Memory of a GraphComputer is a global data structure where by vertices can communicate information with one another.
Memory.Admin |
The Admin interface is used by the GraphComputer to update the Memory.
Memory.Exceptions |
MemoryComputeKey<A> |
A MemoryComputeKey specifies what keys will be used by a Memory during a GraphComputer computation.
Merge |
Merge options relevant to upsert-like steps mergeV() and mergeE() that are applied to the relevant
option() modulator.
MessageCombiner<M> |
A MessageCombiner allows two messages in route to the same vertex to be aggregated into a single message.
MessageScope |
MessageScope.Global |
A Global message is directed at an arbitrary vertex in the graph.
MessageScope.Local<M> |
A Local message is directed to an adjacent (or "memory adjacent") vertex.
MessageScope.Local.ReverseTraversalSupplier |
A helper class that can be used to generate the reverse traversal of the traversal within a MessageScope.Local .
MessageSerializer<M> |
Serializes data to and from Gremlin Server.
Messenger<M> |
The Messenger serves as the routing system for messages between vertices.
MultiMap |
A number of static methods to interact with a multi map, i.e.
NumberHelper |
Operator |
A set of BinaryOperator instances that handle common operations for traversal steps.
Order |
Provides Comparator instances for ordering traversers.
P<V> |
Predefined Predicate values that can be used to define filters to has() and where() .
PageRankVertexProgram |
PageRankVertexProgram.Builder |
Path |
A Path denotes a particular walk through a Graph as defined by a Traversal .
Path.Exceptions |
PBiPredicate<T,U> |
Marker interface for predefined BiPredicate predicates that can be used in Predicate }.
PeerPressureVertexProgram |
PeerPressureVertexProgram.Builder |
Pick |
A token used with option() .
Pop |
A Path may have multiple values associated with a single label.
ProgramPhase |
Property<V> |
A Property denotes a key/value pair associated with an Edge .
Property.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a property.
PropertyType |
This enumeration allows for the specification of the type of a Property .
RemoteAcceptor |
The Gremlin Console supports the :remote and :submit commands which provide standardized ways
for plugins to provide "remote connections" to resources and a way to "submit" a command to those resources.
RemoteException |
A mapper Exception to be thrown when there are problems with processing a command given to a
RemoteAcceptor .
RequestOptions |
Options that can be supplied on a per request basis.
RequestOptions.Builder |
Result |
A Result represents a result value from the server-side Iterator of results.
ResultSet |
A ResultSet is returned from the submission of a Gremlin script to the server and represents the
results provided by the server.
SackFunctions |
SackFunctions.Barrier |
Scope |
Many Step instance can have a variable scope which alter the manner in which the step will behave in
relation to how the traversers are processed.
Script |
General representation of script
ScriptCustomizer |
ScriptEngineCache |
A cache of standard ScriptEngine instances, instantiated by the standard ScriptEngineManager .
ScriptFileGremlinPlugin |
ScriptFileGremlinPlugin.Builder |
Serializer |
ShortestPathVertexProgram |
ShortestPathVertexProgram.Builder |
SingleGremlinScriptEngineManager |
Step<S,E> |
Storage |
Storage is a standard API that providers can implement to allow abstract UNIX-like file system for data sources.
SystemUtil |
T |
A collection of (T)okens which allows for more concise Traversal definitions.
TestSupport |
This is a utility class that is for support of various testing activities and is not meant to be used in other
Text |
Text is a BiPredicate that determines whether the first string starts with, starts
not with, ends with, ends not with, contains or does not contain the second string argument.
Text.RegexPredicate |
Allows for a compiled version of the regex pattern.
TextP |
Predefined Predicate values that can be used as String filters.
TimeUtil |
Tokens |
String constants used in gremlin-driver and gremlin-server.
Transaction |
A set of methods that allow for control of transactional behavior of a Graph instance.
Transaction.CLOSE_BEHAVIOR |
Transaction.Exceptions |
Transaction.Status |
A status provided to transaction listeners to inform whether a transaction was successfully committed
or rolled back.
Translator<S,T> |
A Translator will translate Bytecode into another representation.
Translator.ScriptTranslator |
Translates bytecode to a Script representation.
Translator.ScriptTranslator.AbstractTypeTranslator |
Translator.ScriptTranslator.TypeTranslator |
Provides a way for the Translator.ScriptTranslator to convert various data types to their string
representations in their target language.
Translator.StepTranslator<S extends TraversalSource,T extends Traversal.Admin<?,?>> |
Translates bytecode to actual steps.
TranslatorCustomizer |
Provides a way to customize and override Bytecode to script translation.
Traversal<S,E> |
Traversal.Admin<S,E> |
Traversal.Exceptions |
A collection of Exception types associated with Traversal execution.
Traversal.Symbols |
TraversalSideEffects |
TraversalSideEffects.Exceptions |
TraversalSource |
A TraversalSource is used to create Traversal instances.
TraversalSource.Symbols |
TraversalStrategies |
TraversalStrategies.GlobalCache |
TraversalStrategy<S extends TraversalStrategy> |
TraversalStrategy.DecorationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies that adds "application logic" to the traversal (e.g.
TraversalStrategy.FinalizationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies that do final behaviors that require a fully compiled traversal to work (e.g.
TraversalStrategy.OptimizationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies that rewrite the traversal to be more efficient, but with the same semantics
TraversalStrategy.ProviderOptimizationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies that rewrite the traversal to be more efficient, but with the same semantics.
TraversalStrategy.VerificationStrategy |
Implemented by strategies where there is no more behavioral tweaking of the traversal required.
TraversalVertexProgram |
TraversalVertexProgram.Builder |
Traverser<T> |
A Traverser represents the current state of an object flowing through a Traversal .
Traverser.Admin<T> |
The methods in System.Traverser are useful to underlying Step and Traversal implementations.
TraverserGenerator |
A TraverserGenerator will generate traversers for a particular Traversal .
UserAgent |
Vertex |
A Vertex maintains pointers to both a set of incoming and outgoing Edge objects.
Vertex.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a vertex.
VertexComputeKey |
A VertexComputeKey specifies a property of a vertex that will be used to store GraphComputer data.
VertexProgram<M> |
A VertexProgram represents one component of a distributed graph computation.
VertexProgram.Builder |
VertexProgram.Features |
VertexProperty<V> |
A VertexProperty is similar to a Property in that it denotes a key/value pair associated with an
Vertex , however it is different in the sense that it also represents an entity that it is an Element
that can have properties of its own.
VertexProperty.Cardinality |
VertexProperty.Exceptions |
Common exceptions to use with a property.