Class NettyBufferFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NettyBufferFactory
    extends Object
    implements BufferFactory<io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf>
    Represents a factory to create Buffer instances from wrapped ByteBuf instances.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NettyBufferFactory

        public NettyBufferFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • readRaw

        public static void readRaw​(Buffer buffer,
                                   Consumer<io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf> consumer)
        Utility method to allow reading from the underlying bytes using a Netty ByteBuf instance for interoperability, advancing the reader index of the Buffer after the consumer is called. Note that the ByteBuf used by the consumer should not be released by the caller. In case the provided Buffer instance is not a NettyBuffer, it will create a ByteBuf wrapper for the consumer to use, releasing it after use.
      • writeRaw

        public static void writeRaw​(Buffer buffer,
                                    Consumer<io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf> consumer)
        Allows writing from the underlying bytes using a Netty ByteBuf instance for interoperability, advancing the writer index of the Buffer after the consumer is called. Note that the ByteBuf used by the consumer should not be released by the caller. In case the provided Buffer instance is not a NettyBuffer, it will create a ByteBuf wrapper for the consumer to use, releasing it after use.